Revision history for Perl extension Socket::Class.

version 1.1.1
    - added cascading to internal resource storage for better performance on
      higher number of used sockets
    - fixed inet6 on older versions of win32

version 1.1.0
    - added function "get_hostaddr"
    - function "readline" now returns new line characters also
    - !!! removed socket by reference destruction when using threads,
      !!! it wont work right in some cases. it is safer to free the socket
      !!! explictly.
    - added detection of "new standard network functions" on win32
    - improved return parameters in xs functions
    - added support for perl5.6.2

version 1.0.7
    - fixed snprintf on win32
    - fixed socket by reference destruction when using with threads

version 1.0.6
    - documentation updated
    - fixed sockt settings for parameters 'local_path' and 'remote_path'
      called by new()

version 1.0.5
    - fixed testscript for inet6
    - changed internal file structure

version 1.0.4
    - added function "select"
    - added examples to examples/*
    - fixed broken internal mutex handling
    - fixed internal error handling

version 1.0.3
    - bug on Windows Vista is fixed

version 1.0.2
    - fixed internal memory allocation macro "Newxz"

version 1.0.1
    - added timeout parameter to connect function
    - fixed formats of socket option SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO on win32
    - fixed various test scripts

version 1.0.0
    - initial version