Revision history for Perl extension Test::MockObject.
0.11 Sat Jan 11 08:03:35 GMT 2003
- fix list context bug at end of series in set_series()
0.10 Sun Jan 5 06:27:49 GMT 2003
- use flyweight objects (store state outside mocked objects)
- allow array, scalar, sub, and glob references as objects
- minor typo fixes and brace placement fixings
0.09 Sun Jun 30 21:14:29 PDT 2002
- made most mocking methods return $self (Piers Cawley's suggestion)
- add $VERSION when mocking a module (ensure package is not empty)
0.08 Wed Jun 26 03:38:45 UTC 2002
- pass $self to added add() methods (Ilya Martynov)
- test for same (Ilya again)
- localize $1 in AUTOLOAD() to prevent its clobbering (bugfix, tested)
0.07 Sat Jun 22 06:43:47 UTC 2002
- deprecated add()
- added mock()
- expanded and reorganized documentation somewhat()
- added next_call()
- added carp() for unknown mocked method call attempt
(what a description!)
0.06 Thu Jun 20 05:37:32 UTC 2002
- added t/bugs.t to catch regressions
- fixed several warnings:
- uninitialized values in called_pos_ok()
- improved diagnostics in called_pos_ok()
- avoid redefined subroutine warnings in fake_module()
- fixed behavior of called_pos_ok() -- avoid incorrect successes
- prevented called() from dying if $pos is out of range
- prevented _call() from autovivifying stack entries
- made fake_new() a wrapper around fake_module()
0.05 Sun Jun 9 21:16:41 PDT 2002
- fixed tests for object passing
- added set_bound()
- removed fake_import() (retcon!) and modified fake_module() to be general
enough to do the same sort of thing
Fri Jun 7 23:15:41 PDT 2002
- fix typo in documentation
- pass along object to method calls (bugfix)
Mon May 27 20:31:35 UTC 2002
- fix fake_module(), which never worked. Oops, bug in both test and module!
- added fake_import() and its tests
0.04 Mon Apr 29 01:03:36 UTC 2002
- pass tests in 5.005_03 (Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
- can() should return subref instead of just 1 (also Tatsuhiko)
- added test for can() buglet (me)
- added test numbers (hey, it's CPAN time!)
0.03 Sat Apr 27 11:12:39 2002
- first released version, initially created with:
h2xs -A -X -n Test::MockObject