0.40 Tue Jun 11 05:23:44 UTC 2002
- added _available_lists(), 'linkorder', and t/lists.t
- made format() respect 'linkorder'
- made end_list() return blank code for empty list
(all suggested by Tom Hukins, see CPAN RT #671)
- avoid 'Subroutine redefined' warning with 5.8 in t/Wiki.t
0.30 Thu May 2 20:42:14 PDT 2002
- added import() and its tests, suggested by Tony Bowden <tony@kasei.com>
0.20 Lost in the Mists of Time
- initial CPAN release
0.10 Before Beer Was Invented
- distributed with SlashWiki
0.01 Pre-History
- part of the Jellybean project