Revision history for AnyEvent-Handle-ZeroMQ
0.07 2011.7.23
Change the ZMQ_EVENTS test order, to avoid ZMQ keeps in calling the handler steadily.
0.06 2011.7.6
Lost files
0.05 2011.6.29
Add on_error to AnyEvent::Handler::ZeroMQ to catch errors occurs in the
reading handler.
0.04 2011.6.27
Add AnyEvent::Handle::ZeroMQ::Dealer & AnyEvent::Handle::ZeroMQ::Router that dispatch corresponding
requests and replies automatically.
0.03 2011.6.21
Add on_drain
0.02 2011.6.19
Add a DESTROY hook to ZeroMQ::Socket when there's no such one,
to close Socket when it was destroyed.
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.