Revision history for NIST-NVD

 1.02.00 20220327T004535-0800
	- tests are passing again

 1.01.00 20120718T1832:49-0700
        - branched for changes to:
				* t/websec.t                    - create and exercise websec index
				* bin/convert-nvdcve            - re-factor code into lib/
				* lib/NIST/NVD/Store/ - adjust as necessary for t/websec.t
				* lib/NIST/NVD/Store/    - verify that it does the right thing

 1.00.00 20120121T1602:23-0700
        - exercised in house
				* works for me.  How about you?

        - implemented features
        * loading of nvd entries sourced from XML published by NIST
          into DB_File database
        * querying of nvd entries stored in database
        * CRUD layer implemented using database agnostic API

        - unimplemented features
        * real-time CVE synchronization (need record merge tests)
        * low hanging fruit in area of memory management love
        * low hanging fruit in area of batch nvd entry processing
        * CVE loading code from bin/ should be re-factored under
        * NIST::NVD::Store::DB_File does not implemente cve or cwe API
          completely - see NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3

0.14		20120522T22:31:26 -0700
  this code has been exercised by F5 and seems to work.

0.13		20120517T21:25:14 -0800
	removed hard dep on DB_File from NIST::NVD::Query

0.12		2012-05-16T0758 -0800
  integrated work related to get_websec_by_cpe
  removed DB_File dep

0.11		2012-04-26T15:31 -0800
  applied recommendations from Lowell
0.10		2012-03-30T10:36 -0800
  fixed some pod
  added explicit version numbers in Makefile.PL
  stubbed out some code to fetch the recent vulnerabilities.  Incomplete.

0.09		2012-02-25T18:43 -0800
  Added some deps.  Tested with some in-house F5 Code.  Looks pretty

0.08		2012-02-20T21:50 -0800
  made changes required by NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3

0.071		2012-02-16T19:21 -0800
  fixed test as per nightly run indicated

0.07		2012-02-15T21:31 -0800
  added dependency on Test::File
  stubs in place for CWE
  copyright/trademark updated to include (the MITRE Corp.)++

0.06		2012-02-09T20:08 -0800
  Minor changes, but this release will work with

0.05    2012-01-25 @ 15:47:32
  separated convert-nvd and Query from the concrete storage class so
  that it can be over-ridden

0.03    2011/12/19 @ 06:59:30
  Applying recommendations from Hafey
  Added some more PODs
  got tests from t/manifest.t passing
  MANIFEST and ignore.txt are correct

0.02	2011/12/15
  Added some PODs
  got rid of some unnecessary complexity in cve hash ref

0.01    2011/12/13
  Initial work completed