Revision history for NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3

1.02.00 20220326T233454-0800
	- tests are passing again

1.01.00 20120718T1832:49-0700
        - branched for changes to:
				* t/websec.t                    - create and exercise websec index
				* bin/convert-nvdcve            - re-factor code into lib/
				* lib/NIST/NVD/Store/ - adjust as necessary for t/websec.t

1.00.00 20120718T155922
				* exercised code in-house
				* tests are now all green on debian wheezy amd64

0.07		Looks like websec results are working as expected.
				Peer review would be nice.
				Tests haven't been run thoroughly.  They're probably failing.

0.05		created websec index

0.04		added some deps
				removed some other stuff
				Let's see if the nightly tests pass yet...

0.03		indexing CWEs and publishing an interface to query them

0.02		missed a dependency.  oops.

0.01    Tue Jan 31 21:30:18 PST 2012
        Initial go at it