Revision history for Perl extension MSDOS::Attrib.

1.04   May 3, 2008
	- no functional changes
	- check for supported OS in Build.PL
	- minor clean up to documentation

1.03   March 3, 2007
	- build fixes for Cygwin
	- fixed pod-coverage.t
	- updated my email address

1.02   February 18, 2007
	- use XSLoader if available
	- create all constants at startup
	- updated my email address
	- use Module::Build

1.01   October 25, 1998
	- updated my email address

1.00   September 13, 1997
	- added Win32 support to OS2::Attrib and renamed to MSDOS::Attrib.

Revision history for Perl extension OS2::Attrib.

1.00   February 26, 1997
	- end of beta period (no significant changes)

0.002  October 17, 1996
	- renamed functions to match Perl style guide
	- first public beta release

0.001  October 16, 1996
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.16