$Id: Changes 320 2005-03-05 18:07:22Z claco $
Revision history for Perl module AxKit::XSP::Minisession
1.07 Sat Mar 05 13:27:02 2005
- Added README To make CPANTS happy. :-)
- Various pod cleanups and corrections
- Makefile.PL and extra.conf.in now use IfDefine to die gracefully
1.06 Sat Feb 05 13:36:26 2005
- Changed Makefile.PL to use File::Path to fix permissions issues on
*nix for generated session* directories
1.05 Thur Feb 03 18:33:26 2005
- Moved from CVS to Subversion
- Adjusted Id tags for SVN move
- Fixed encoding="utf8" error in t/*.xsp files
1.04 Wed Nov 24 20:21:51 2004
- Added Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage tests
- Added Apache::Test -> AxKit Taglib tests
1.03 Sat Nov 20 18:25:51 2004
- Converted to ExtUtils::ModuleMaker directory structure
- Added PREREQ_PM to Makefile.PL
- Updated contact information
- Added basic Test::More tests