Revision history for Perl module Catalyst::Model::SVN

0.05 Sun Jun 18 16:41:25 2006
    - Added missing use DateTime statement (RT#19882)

0.04 Mon Nov 21 22:05:13 2005
    - Tweaked SYNOPSIS pod
    - Added pod notes about copy->original path resolution

0.03 Sat Nov 19 19:22:03 2005
    - Added t/catalyst_helpers_model_svn.t tests
    - Fixed various typos

0.02 Fri Nov 17 22:53:18 2005
    - Fixed not found errors when trying to read contents or logs of copies
        Big hats off to Gerard Gerritsen for pointing me in the right direction.
    - Added pod_spelling.t

0.01 Tue Nov 01 19:05:04 2005
    - Initial release