Revision history for Perl module Handel

0.01_05 Fri Dec 31 12:36:25 2004
    - Fixed failed pod coverage test when Pod::Coverage < 0.14
    - Fixed l10n.t failures on perl <= 5.7.0 (use utf8)
    - Added simple cart item tests
    - Added REQUIREMENTS to Handel pod

0.01_04 Thur Dec 30 19:05:25 2004
    - Added simple L10N tests
    - Added simple exception tests
    - Fixed =head1 SYNOPSIS in Handel::DBI
    - Translated exception details in cart/cart item, and dbi modules
    - Added strict/warnings to all tests
    - Set NO_META in makefile and maintain META.yml manually
    - Added license type to META.yml

0.01_03 Wed Dec 29 18:40:37 2004
    - Changed cart restore to deal with multiple saved carts
    - Added cart restore w/filter tests
    - Rearranged constants alphabetically :-)
    - Finished pod for existing modules
    - Removed leftover 'fr' from Exceptions get_handle
    - Added VERSION to all pod
    - Added *.db to MANIFEST.SKIP

0.01_02 Tue Dec 28 22:18:14 2004
    - Added Handel::Cart pod
    - Completed cart restore/merge tests
    - Changed tests to set Handel::DBI->connection

0.01_01 Mon Dec 27 21:47:04 2004
    - Initial alpha release