Revision history for Perl module Handel v

0.16_03 Web Jun 22 19:45:25 2005
    - Added more order_new.t tests
    - Added order_load.t tests
    - Added order_item.t tests
    - Fixed ORDER_TYPE_SAVED value
    - Addd missing cart load via uuid code in Order::new

0.16_02 Wed Jun 08 17:55:23 2005
    - Fixed t/l10n.t test failures when LANG != LANGUAGE
        Thanks to for the find
    - Added t/order_new.t tests
    - Added count/items methods to Handel::Order
    - Fixed object copy to use columns instead of hash as
        as suggested on class-dbi list
    - Fixed undef/regex errors in constraints
    - Moved cart item price to inflated currency and removed
    	_price accessor hack
    - Changed Order::new API to better match Cart::new

0.16_01 Sun Jun 05 20:12:36 2005
    - Added basic checkout/plugin framework
    - Added basic order support

0.16 Sun Mar 20 20:16:32 2005
    - General POD cleanup
    - Changed ConfigReader to use new DBI* connection settings
    - Fixed UTF8 currency symbol display problem in 5.8.x

0.15 Thur Mar 17 21:06:36 2005
    - Added Test::Strict tests
    - Added convert to Handel::Currency
    - Added convert/from/to attributes to price/subtotal/total in
        AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart taglib
    - Added constraint_currency_code to check currency code formats
    - Added supporting convert/constraint tests

0.14 Tue Mar 08 20:24:13 2005
    - Fixed xsp_cart.t errors when Apache::Test wasn't installed
    - Fixed xsp_cart.t test failure when Locale::Currency::Format
        wasn't installed
    - Fixed xsp_cart.t test failure do to FOREACH IN syntax when
        Template < 2.10 was installed

0.13 Sun Mar 06 16:42:23 2005
    - Removed Test::More from PREREQ_PM. It's only needed for tests
    - Added Makefile.PL test warnings for Test::More < 0.48
    - Fixed META.yml format
    - Added format/code/options attributes to price/subtotal/total in
        AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart taglib

0.12 Thur Mar 03 21:43:23 2005
    - Added Hande::Currency to format price values
    - price, total and subtotal are now Handel::Currency objects
    - Added various currency tests

0.11 Tue Mar 01 21:16:29 2005
    - Handel::ConfigReader is now a tied hash to abstract fetches
    - Fixed FOREACH IN/= syntax issues in tt2_cart.t tests

0.10 Mon Feb 28 23:35:13 2005
    - Added max quantity checks, constraint and tests
    - Added Handel::ConfigReader to abstract mod_perl/ENV settings logic
    - Added simple t/config.t tests

0.09 Sun Feb 27 21:43:27 2005
    - Added str_to_const to convert strings to their constant value
    - Added constant exports and conversion tests
    - Converted AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart to use string constants
    - Converted XSP tests to use string constants

0.08 Sat Feb 26 18:23:17 2005
    - Added TT2 cart tests
    - Changed Handel::Cart::Item to autoupdate on every method
         like Handel::Cart
    - Moved TT2 tests to inline Template intead of Apache::Template
    - Added Handel::Constants into Template::PLugin::Handel::Cart

0.07 Mon Feb 21 22:01:13 2005
    - Added Makefile.PL Apache::Test -defines for AxKit/TT2
    - Changed to use IfModule/IfDefine
    - Moved xsp tests in axkit subdirectory
    - Created TT2 test structure and directories

0.06 Sun Feb 20 20:15:36 2005
    - Added cart:restore to AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart
    - Added cart:restore XSP tests

0.05 Sun Feb 20 15:37:23 2005
    - Added RETURNAS constants
    - Changed load/items to use RETRUNAS constants
    - Added workaround to wantarray problems under TT2
    - Slight sytax change to Template::Plugin::Handel::Cart API
    - Added Template::Plugin::Handel::Constants

0.04 Thur Feb 17 22:11:35 2005
    - Added Template Toolkit Plugin for Handel::Cart
    - Added demo site for Template Toolkit 2

0.03 Mon Feb 14 23:18:28 2005
    - Fixed empty tag crash in parse_char
    - Added demo site for AxKit
    - Added cart:uuid tag to create GUIDs in XSP

0.02 Sat Feb 12 10:42:27 2005
    - Completed rewrite of Axit::XSP::Handel::Cart
    - Changed Handel::L10N::translate to always get_handle
    - Added t/TEST.PL to MANIFEST
    - Add Apache::Test SMOKE t/SMOKE.PL

0.01_09 Tue Feb 08 18:21:37 2005
    - Added new generic Handel::Exception::Taglib exception
    - Added missing Makefile.PL from MANIFEST
    - Added more xsp tests for minimal add and new tags

0.01_08 Mon Feb 07 21:32:03 2005
    - Locale::Maketext >= 1.04 required for utf8 pragma
    - Axit::XSP::Handel::Cart API solidified
    - Rewrite of Axit::XSP::Handel::Cart for new API in progress
    - slight Exporter refactoring in
    - Handel::DBI::uuid can now use UUID, Data::UUID, Win32::Guidgen,
          or Win32API::GUID to create uuids

0.01_07 Mon Jan 10 21:17:45 2005
    - Added Axit::XSP::Handl::Cart tag reference pod

0.01_06 Sun Jan 09 10:39:47 2005
    - Look for DBI connection info in dir_config under mod_perl
    - Added missing pod for methods in Handel::Cart::Item
    - Supressed strict/warnings when loading Axit in basic.t
    - Added new Apache::Test scripts/config and framework
    - Added generic Axit::XSP::Handl::Cart tests and pages

0.01_05 Fri Dec 31 12:36:25 2004
    - Fixed failed pod coverage test when Pod::Coverage < 0.14
    - Fixed l10n.t failures on perl <= 5.7.0 (use utf8)
    - Added simple cart item tests
    - Added REQUIREMENTS to Handel pod

0.01_04 Thur Dec 30 19:05:25 2004
    - Added simple L10N tests
    - Added simple exception tests
    - Fixed =head1 SYNOPSIS in Handel::DBI
    - Translated exception details in cart/cart item, and dbi modules
    - Added strict/warnings to all tests
    - Set NO_META in makefile and maintain META.yml manually
    - Added license type to META.yml

0.01_03 Wed Dec 29 18:40:37 2004
    - Changed cart restore to deal with multiple saved carts
    - Added cart restore w/filter tests
    - Rearranged constants alphabetically :-)
    - Finished pod for existing modules
    - Removed leftover 'fr' from Exceptions get_handle
    - Added VERSION to all pod
    - Added *.db to MANIFEST.SKIP

0.01_02 Tue Dec 28 22:18:14 2004
    - Added Handel::Cart pod
    - Completed cart restore/merge tests
    - Changed tests to set Handel::DBI->connection

0.01_01 Mon Dec 27 21:47:04 2004
    - Initial alpha release