Revision history for Perl module Handel
0.99_10 Wed Sep 06 21:02:33 2006
- Added start of Cookbook and Cookbook/AddColumns
- Moved DBIC specific Storage classes into DBIC namespace
- Changed process to get items->all instead of (items)
0.99_09 Tue Sep 05 19:18:52 2006
- Catalyst Helpers now require FormValidator::Simple 0.17 (Woohoo!)
- Validation component now requires DBIx::Class::Validation 0.01001
which uses new FV::S for profile/instance/messages fixes
- Filled in pod generated by Catalyst Helpers in a moment of weakness
0.99_08 Mon Sep 04 16:45:22 2006
- Added txn_begin/commit/rollback to Storage and Storage::DBIC to help
abstract Checkout::process from Storage.
- Added Storage::DBIC::Result to get DBIC specific things out of
- Minor pod fixes
0.99_07 Sun Sep 03 20:58:13 2006
WARNING: The auto generated Catalyst helper code requires
changes/fixes that have yet to be commited or accepted until the author
Contact me if you need a copy of the modified version.
- Moved perl_critic.t to style_perl_critic.t
- Added style_no_tabs.t
- Style tests now enabled via TEST_PRIVATE
- Reworked Catalyst Helpers for Controllers and their tests.
- Fixed issue where add_handler wasn't assigning unique pref ids when non
were specified in the plugins themselves.
- Moved requirements to Requirements.pod
- Cart destroy now works on a blessed object under Catalyst
- AssignOrderNumber checkout plugin no longer sets the updated field.
This will be rolled into the Order class in the next release.
0.99_06 Fri Aug 25 20:53:26 2006
- Simplified Storage->setup and removed clear/reset nonsense
- Added Spanish lexion provided by Diego Kuperman
- Abstracted Iterator and added subclasses for lists, DBIC resultsets
and storage results
- Added result_iterator_class to Base using default of
- Storage now leaves DBIC result_class alone and returns
iterators for search/search_items
- Cart/Order now use Handel::Iterator::Results iterator
- Split DBIC specific storage into Storage::DBIC w/ massive tests
- Started moving news tests to Handel::Test w/ better db deploy/var
- Split Manual Storage into Storage/Storage::DBIC
- Added param checks to many Storage methods
- Replaced old Makefile warnings w/ mention of Test::More and DateTime
- Added Perl::Critic tests for my personal gratification. None pass yet. :-)
- currency_columns gets/sets list instead of arrayrefs to better match
- Bumped DBIC requirement to 0.08 (use -current for now)
- Reworked Catalyst Helpers for Models (Controllers are still broken)
0.99_05 Wed Aug 09 21::02::29 2006
- Changed create_result in Base to create_instance
- Added create/search/uuid_maker/copyable_item_columns to Storage
- Storage->clone now clones even with an active schema instance
- Schema configuration in Storage now uses a clone of the item_classes
storage instead of the original, and redirects result->storage
- Cart/Order/Items now use storage create/search
- Cart/Order add() now use copyable_item_columns when passed objects
- Cart/Order add() now look for source columns and methods to fill
destination column values
- Various pod fixes
- Added more tests for create_instance/clone changes
- Cart/Order/Item new/load/destroy now take \%options, specifically
- Order->new $process argument moved into \%options
- Order->copy_cart_items now just uses add
- Added checkout_class to Storage
- Storage now uses exception_action rather than dbh->{HandleError}
- Storage process_error now creates a Storage Exception for unknown errors
- Moved storage settings in Cart/Order Item into Storage::Cart/Order::Item
- Applied Catalyst Helper test patch from Todd W.
- Added Storage::Result, which is now returned by storage actions
- Handel::Currency convert now returns a new currency object
- Cart/Order/Item now use generic result objects
- Cart/Order clear now returns result of action like delete does
- Renamed Cart/Order/Item new() to create()
- Renamed Cart/Order/Item load() to search()
- Added load/new/items to Compat.t w/subclass tests
0.99_04 Sat Jul 15 16:21:25 2006
- Schema configuration now finally uses load_components without the
Class::C3 recalc slowdown
- Validation component now uses throw_exception/next::method now that
load_components is used
- Major pod cleanup
- Excised all forms of RETURN_AS
- TEST_SPELLING is now TEST_POD, which all pod tests now use
- Order created/updated fields now return DateTime objects using
- Excised remaining UNIVERSAL::isa mistakes. Blessed is your friend.
- Order created/updated fields now default to DateTime->now
0.99_03 Mon Jul 10 21:05:27 2006
- Fixed AxKit Exception Error (RT#19707,TKP)
- Added start of Handel::Manual
- uuid is now new_uuid, and now in Storage
- Removed setup_columns_accessors in favor or create_accessors in Base
- Cart/Order/Item classes now have a instance of storage instead of
subclassing it
- Added Handel::Base as super class for Cart/Order/Item classes
- Added Handel::Storage tests
- Handel::Storage now does all schema configurate during first
schema_instance call
- Added Handel::Storage::new/setup
- Cart/Order/Item classes now delegate direct schema access to Storage
- Added validation/constraint/default_value_class to Storage
- Converted Storage from Class::Data::Accessor to Class::Accesssor::Grouped
- Refactored injection of components into schema source classes
- schema_instance now creates a clone using compose_namespace and
does its component injection into the clone instead
- Added currency_class/currency_columns to Storage
- Added value() to Handel::Currency
- Added autoupdate to results that inherits from storage->autoupdate
- Added basic compatibility layer for older subclasses
0.99_02 Mon Jun 05 22:08:32 2006
- Fixed test counts in t/order_new.t (RT#19700,TKP)
- Moved _error_handler in Storage to process_error and set
dbh->{HandelError} using $self->can
- Use blessed when setting schema_instance in Storage
- Abstracted schema setup when setting Storage->schema_instance($schema)
- RETURN_AS has been removed from the API
- Data filters now take SQL::Abstract syntax for wildcards
- Converted from Class::DBI to DBIx::Class schemas
- Handel::ConfigReader is now a singleton via instance()
- Handel::DBI is deprecated in favor if Handel::Storage
- Moved column defaults into Handel::Components::DefaultValues
- Added constraint_cart_name
- Fixed version requirement for catalyst tests
- Fixed cart iterator tests db file creation issues
- Cart taglib now calls tag-based functions to ease subclassing
0.32 Sun Jan 22 18:19:38 2006
- Added order_reconcile.t tests
- Order::reconcile now uses copy_cart/copy_cart_items
0.31 Tue Jan 17 19:43:14 2006
- Fixed order creation from cart uuid to use cart_class
- Fixed order reconcile to use cart_class
- Added ccissuenumber, ccstartdate and ccenddate temp fieds to orders
- Use version to property compare CDBI versions (3.0.1 doesn't use version)
- Added clear_messages to Handel::Checkout
- Checkout plugin handlers are now run in the order of their declared
preference number
- Fixed Carts item_class to return a default
- Fixed Carts items(), delete(), destroy() and restore() to use item_class
- Fixed Orders item_class to return a default
- Fixed Orders items(), delete() to use item_class
- PRAGMA synchronous = OFF and temp_store = MEMORY for SQLite tests to
reduce disk trashing during testing
- Handel::Exception::Taglib subclasses Apache::AxKit::Exception if available
to play nice with AxKits exception handling
- Added destroy() to Handel::Order
- Added subclassing tests to current cart/order/checkout tests
- Checkout::process now clears the stash before the call to plugin init, so
plugins can set stash data
- Added Handel::Checkout::Stash to checkout process
- Added Checkout->stash_class to allow the use of a custom stash class in
Checkout subclasses
- Checkout::new how takes the stash option, which should contain a instance
of a Handel::Checkout::Stash subclass
- Added t/checkout_stash,t tests
- Class setter methods (order_class, item_class, stash_class, cart_class)
now try to require the specified class
0.30 Fri Dec 23 22:52:23 2005
- Constraint constraint_price now accepts 0 as a valid value
- Added order_class to Handel::Checkout to allow Checkout->order to create
subclassed versions of Order objects
- Added cart_class to Handel::Order to allow Order->new to create
subclassed versions of Cart objects
- Added copy_cart/copy_cart_items in Handel::Order so subclasses can
customize order creation from custom carts
- When copying cart items into a new order, only columns in
Handel::Cart::Item instead of all columns found
0.29 Thu Dec 8 20:12:38 2005
- Constraint constraint_checkout_phase now checks CHECKOUT_ALL_PHASES
- Added add_phase to Handel::Checkout to add custom phases
- Removed APR::UUID usage under OpenBSD
- Disabled Apache-Tests tests by default and added TEST_HTTP to enable them
- Added pod to Handel::Order about temporary fields
0.28 Fri Nov 25 15:09:25 2005
- Added pod_spelling.t tests which don't run by default
- Corrected a boatload of spelling errors :-)
- Catalyst Helpers now require Catalyst 5.56 to deal with short vs. long
M/V/C modules names.
0.27 Sun Nov 13 12:08:38 2005
- Tested with Class::DBI 3.0.12
- Require Apache-Test 1.27
- Added IfDefine APACHE1 block to ignore AxKit under Apache2
- Catalyst helper tests now use short => 1 under Catalyst 5.5
- Added Traditional Chinese L10N by Kang-min Liu
0.26 Wed Oct 5 21:12:56 2005
- Tested with Class::DBI 3.0.9
- Fixed Exception creation after triggers under Class::DBI 3.0.9
- Handel::DBI no uses Class::DBI->insert in Class::DBI 3.0.9+
- Added subclassing tests
- Change item_class to use class name instead of __PACKAGE__
(See README for known issues)
0.25 Sun Oct 3 20:15:35 2005
- Removed -T from Catalyst helpers tests to keep older
versions of File::Path/IO::File happy
- Fixed Catalyst helper test failures due to setting $FindBin::Bin
- Fixed mod_perl detection and code to deal with MP2 and
- Fixed Catalyst checkout/order helpers error when trying to get the
value of a cookie that didn't already exist
- Fixed obscure bug with Data::UUID crashing in the first call only
under MP2
- Added support to create uuids form APR::UUID if it's available
0.24 Mon Sep 26 20:28:13 2005
- Added Catalyst Helper tests
- Added pod notes about Data::FormValidator/HTML::FillInForm in helpers
0.23 Tue Sep 20 21:17:15 2005
- Fixed case where Catalyst helpers weren't replacing :: globally
when creating uri in templates
0.22 Tue Sep 20 20:47:36 2005
- Removed leftover hardcoded MyApp::M calls in Catalyst controllers
- Catalyst controller helpers now require Data::FormValidator 4.00+
- Tested with Class::DBI 3.0.8
- Catalyst helpers are smarter about doing the right thing with
MyApp::M(odel)::Cart vs. Cart in arguments
0.21 Mon Sep 19 18:15:23 2005
- Fixed problem with helpers not working on *nix due to CRLF
Thanks to Andy Grundman and Bernard FRIT for the help tracking this down
- Changed eol-style=LF for Catalyst helpers
0.20 Sat Sep 17 20:56:23 2005
- Catalyst controllers now use Data::FormValidator along with
better error handling
- Catalyst Checkout contoller now uses HTML::FillInForm to maintain form
state after a POST when there are Data::FormValidator/other errors
- Tested with Class::DBI 3.0.7
- Added add_columns to Handel::DBI to add custom columns to
- Added item_class to Cart/Order classes to specify the item class
to be returned from add/items during subclassing
- Added HandelDBIDSN config variable
0.19 Mon Sep 12 21:24:38 2005
- Added Path::Class/File::Find::Rule PREREQ
- First official release with Catalyst support
0.18_01 Sun Sep 11 22:23:07 2005
- Added Catalyst Helpers/Scaffold support
- Added ; to end of sql statements in sql scripts that makes
some versions of sqlite unhappy. Found by shenme#catalyst
- Added handel.sqlite.sql SQL Create Script
- Updated French lexicon with more human-friendly translations sent
from Bernard FRIT
- Various README fixes patched by Uwe Voelker
- Added Cart::destroy method to actually delete cart record
- Started modularization of Catalyst scaffold
- Order::new now copies shopper id from cart when creating a new
order from an existing shopping cart when no order shopper is specified
- Added temp credit card fields to orders: ccn cctype ccm ccy ccvn ccname
- Added CHECKOUT_PHASE_FINALIZE to checkout phases.
- Added MarkOrderSaved and AssignOrderNumber checkout plugins
- Added Order::reconcile to keep cart items and order items synced
- Added SQLite schema sql script and directory
0.18 Mon Aug 22 19:55:13 2005
- Checkout/Orders code is finished. Handel is now considered
feature complete: for now. :-)
- ConfigReader now untaints config values from $ENV
0.17_09 Sat Aug 20 18:57:11 2005
- Finished AxKit::XSP::Handel::Checkout
- Checkout::plugins now returns a sorted list in list context
- Added t/xsp_checkout.t AxKit tests
- Added t/tt2_checkout.t TT tests
- Fixed noprocess->process taglib option in Order::new
- Checkout::new phases option takes space/comma seperated list
- Fixed Checkout::phases return in list context
- ConfigReader now checks dir_config, then ENV under mod_perl
- Fixed warning during Checkout::process when $phase was undef
0.17_08 Wed Aug 10 21:30:48 2005
- Upstreamed uuid module inspection into BEGIN/Handel::newuuid
- Added stash to checkout context
- Checkout::plugins now returns a list if wantarray
- Checkout::phases now returns a list if wantarray
0.17_07 Tue Aug 09 21:34:21 2005
- Moved all ConfigReaders upstream into $Handel::Cfg
- Added transaction around Checkout::process
- Checkout::messages now returns a list if wantarray
- Handel::Checkout::Message now stringifies to text()
- Added additional process and message tests
0.17_06 Sun Aug 07 21:31:45 2005
- Added TT2 order tests
0.17_05 Sat Aug 06 20:14:39 2005
- Finished XSP order tests
- Added TT2 order plugin
- Added TT2 checkout plugin
0.17_04 Thur Aug 04 10:40:37 2005
- Breaking API Changes! Order::new no longer runs a new checkout
initialization phase automatically. The second param, $noprocess,
has been changed to $process. Normally API changes are bad, but
since no one is probably even using the checkout system in 0.17 yet,
now's the time to make the change.
- Added more order AxKit tests
- Added Goals/Is/Isn't items to Handel pod
0.17_03 Sat Jul 30 12:19:24 2005
- Fixed Locale::Currency::Format detection errors in t/order_new.t
0.17_02 Sat Jul 30 11:42:38 2005
- Added basic AxKit Checkout Taglib support in
- Fixed SKIP count in t/basic.t
- Order::subtotal and Order::Item::total are now only automatically
calculated when creating a new order from an existing cart.
- Order::new no longer requires the cart option
- Added Order::add to add items now that cart isn't required in Order::new
- Added t/order_add.t
- Added t/order_item_new.t
- Added t/order_iterator.t
- Added t/order_clear.t
- Added t/order_delete.t
- Fixed erroronous passing exception tests when no exception is thrown
and otherwise{fail;} is never called
- Added HandelIgnorePlugins and HandelLoadPlugins to control which
plugins are loaded
- Updated use Module::Pluggable version requirement to 2.95 in
0.17_01 Thur Jul 14 21:15:24 2005
- Added basic AxKit Order Taglib support in
0.17 Sat Jul 09 12:11:47 2005
- Now requires Module::Pluggable 2.9
- Added checkout/order framework with plugin support
0.16_06 Fri Jul 08 22:48:25 2005
- Added checkout_process.t tests
- Added checkout_phases.t tests
- Added Handel::Checkout::Message for checkout plugin messaging
- Added checkout_messages.t tests
- Added missing constants docs in Handel::Constants
0.16_05 Mon Jun 27 07:32:35 2005
- Changed plugins option in Checkout::new to pluginpaths and
addpluginpaths to match global config settings
- Added checkout_order.t tests
- Added checkout_cart.t tests
0.16_04 Sat Jun 25 20:57:15 2005
- Added order type constraint tests
- Changed Order to use constraints_order_type
- Added checkout_plugins.t tests
- Plugin::init now received the checkout context from new
- Fixed Checkout::plugins so it always returns the same thing
when called multiple times
0.16_03 Wed Jun 22 19:45:25 2005
- Added more order_new.t tests
- Added order_load.t tests
- Added order_items.t tests
- Fixed ORDER_TYPE_SAVED value
- Added missing cart load via uuid code in Order::new
0.16_02 Wed Jun 08 17:55:23 2005
- Fixed t/l10n.t test failures when LANG != LANGUAGE
Thanks to for the find
- Added t/order_new.t tests
- Added count/items methods to Handel::Order
- Fixed object copy to use columns instead of hash as
as suggested on class-dbi list
- Fixed undef/regex errors in constraints
- Moved cart item price to inflated currency and removed
_price accessor hack
- Changed Order::new API to better match Cart::new
0.16_01 Sun Jun 05 20:12:36 2005
- Added basic checkout/plugin framework
- Added basic order support
0.16 Sun Mar 20 20:16:32 2005
- General POD cleanup
- Changed ConfigReader to use new DBI* connection settings
- Fixed UTF8 currency symbol display problem in 5.8.x
0.15 Thur Mar 17 21:06:36 2005
- Added Test::Strict tests
- Added convert to Handel::Currency
- Added convert/from/to attributes to price/subtotal/total in
AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart taglib
- Added constraint_currency_code to check currency code formats
- Added supporting convert/constraint tests
0.14 Tue Mar 08 20:24:13 2005
- Fixed xsp_cart.t errors when Apache::Test wasn't installed
- Fixed xsp_cart.t test failure when Locale::Currency::Format
wasn't installed
- Fixed xsp_cart.t test failure do to FOREACH IN syntax when
Template < 2.10 was installed
0.13 Sun Mar 06 16:42:23 2005
- Removed Test::More from PREREQ_PM. It's only needed for tests
- Added Makefile.PL test warnings for Test::More < 0.48
- Fixed META.yml format
- Added format/code/options attributes to price/subtotal/total in
AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart taglib
0.12 Thur Mar 03 21:43:23 2005
- Added Hande::Currency to format price values
- price, total and subtotal are now Handel::Currency objects
- Added various currency tests
0.11 Tue Mar 01 21:16:29 2005
- Handel::ConfigReader is now a tied hash to abstract fetches
- Fixed FOREACH IN/= syntax issues in tt2_cart.t tests
0.10 Mon Feb 28 23:35:13 2005
- Added max quantity checks, constraint and tests
- Added Handel::ConfigReader to abstract mod_perl/ENV settings logic
- Added simple t/config.t tests
0.09 Sun Feb 27 21:43:27 2005
- Added str_to_const to convert strings to their constant value
- Added constant exports and conversion tests
- Converted AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart to use string constants
- Converted XSP tests to use string constants
0.08 Sat Feb 26 18:23:17 2005
- Added TT2 cart tests
- Changed Handel::Cart::Item to autoupdate on every method
like Handel::Cart
- Moved TT2 tests to inline Template intead of Apache::Template
- Added Handel::Constants into Template::PLugin::Handel::Cart
0.07 Mon Feb 21 22:01:13 2005
- Added Makefile.PL Apache::Test -defines for AxKit/TT2
- Changed to use IfModule/IfDefine
- Moved xsp tests in axkit subdirectory
- Created TT2 test structure and directories
0.06 Sun Feb 20 20:15:36 2005
- Added cart:restore to AxKit::XSP::Handel::Cart
- Added cart:restore XSP tests
0.05 Sun Feb 20 15:37:23 2005
- Added RETURNAS constants
- Changed load/items to use RETRUNAS constants
- Added workaround to wantarray problems under TT2
- Slight sytax change to Template::Plugin::Handel::Cart API
- Added Template::Plugin::Handel::Constants
0.04 Thur Feb 17 22:11:35 2005
- Added Template Toolkit Plugin for Handel::Cart
- Added demo site for Template Toolkit 2
0.03 Mon Feb 14 23:18:28 2005
- Fixed empty tag crash in parse_char
- Added demo site for AxKit
- Added cart:uuid tag to create GUIDs in XSP
0.02 Sat Feb 12 10:42:27 2005
- Completed rewrite of Axit::XSP::Handel::Cart
- Changed Handel::L10N::translate to always get_handle
- Add Apache::Test SMOKE t/SMOKE.PL
0.01_09 Tue Feb 08 18:21:37 2005
- Added new generic Handel::Exception::Taglib exception
- Added missing Makefile.PL from MANIFEST
- Added more xsp tests for minimal add and new tags
0.01_08 Mon Feb 07 21:32:03 2005
- Locale::Maketext >= 1.04 required for utf8 pragma
- Axit::XSP::Handel::Cart API solidified
- Rewrite of Axit::XSP::Handel::Cart for new API in progress
- slight Exporter refactoring in
- Handel::DBI::uuid can now use UUID, Data::UUID, Win32::Guidgen,
or Win32API::GUID to create uuids
0.01_07 Mon Jan 10 21:17:45 2005
- Added Axit::XSP::Handl::Cart tag reference pod
0.01_06 Sun Jan 09 10:39:47 2005
- Look for DBI connection info in dir_config under mod_perl
- Added missing pod for methods in Handel::Cart::Item
- Supressed strict/warnings when loading Axit in basic.t
- Added new Apache::Test scripts/config and framework
- Added generic Axit::XSP::Handl::Cart tests and pages
0.01_05 Fri Dec 31 12:36:25 2004
- Fixed failed pod coverage test when Pod::Coverage < 0.14
- Fixed l10n.t failures on perl <= 5.7.0 (use utf8)
- Added simple cart item tests
- Added REQUIREMENTS to Handel pod
0.01_04 Thur Dec 30 19:05:25 2004
- Added simple L10N tests
- Added simple exception tests
- Fixed =head1 SYNOPSIS in Handel::DBI
- Translated exception details in cart/cart item, and dbi modules
- Added strict/warnings to all tests
- Set NO_META in makefile and maintain META.yml manually
- Added license type to META.yml
0.01_03 Wed Dec 29 18:40:37 2004
- Changed cart restore to deal with multiple saved carts
- Added cart restore w/filter tests
- Rearranged constants alphabetically :-)
- Finished pod for existing modules
- Removed leftover 'fr' from Exceptions get_handle
- Added VERSION to all pod
- Added *.db to MANIFEST.SKIP
0.01_02 Tue Dec 28 22:18:14 2004
- Added Handel::Cart pod
- Completed cart restore/merge tests
- Changed tests to set Handel::DBI->connection
0.01_01 Mon Dec 27 21:47:04 2004
- Initial alpha release