# $Id: /local/CPAN/Mango/Changes 1528 2008-04-14T01:08:40.114508Z claco $
This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Mango.
0.01000_11 Sun Apr 13 20:39:27 2008
- Added just enough pod to get spelling/coverage happy.
Needs serious cleanup.
- Added critic tests and set perltidy standard for dist
- Refactor View::Feed. Needs more tests.
0.01000_10 Fri Jan 18 22:27:19 2008
- Added Atom/RSS Feeds to Wishlists
- Added Atom/RSS Feeds to Products(tags)
- Added Feed() action attribute and enable_(feeds|atom|rss)_feed
- Fixed REST->entity() to use new config
- Stop importing blessed in Feed View
0.01000_09 Tue Jan 15 22:51:56 2008
- Added related_tags to Products Provider
- Products controller now works for tag browsing, view, with tests
0.01000_08 Sat Jan 12 22:20:37 2008
- Added wishlist restore plus tests
- Added Users/Wishlists public views with tests
- Renamed resource names
- mango.pl adds profile to go with 'admin' user
- Split Cart into Cart/Items just like Wishlists/Items
- Added sign up page and tests
0.01000_07 Mon Jan 7 19:07:23 2008
- Added Catalyst::View::TT/Session/Cookie/Store to PREREQ
- Fixed problem in tests with latest Error.pm
- Updated XML::Atom PREREQ and test
- Mango->share now uses module_dir and falls back to ../../share when using
local INC files
- Added mango.pl to create app/config/data/components/database
- Moved users specific controller/form/templates into Users/users namespace
- Fixed urls to deal with not ending in /
- Updating an Attribute wasn't setting update()
- Converted admin to RESTish access
- Controllers now inherit from M::Catalyst:Controller (which does REST/Form
- Merge plugins into Plugin::Application
- Added Auth helpers is_admin/unauthorized
- Added REST helpers want_html/browser/yaml/feed, etc
- Form I18N is now FIELD_LABEL_$FIELD instead of LABEL_$FIELD
- Form I18N is now BUTTON_LABEL_$FIELD instead of LABEL_$FIELD
- Wishlist admin works mostly, with tests
0.01000_06 Sep 09 20:01:22 2007
- Fixed Template->share when Mango has never been installed
- Stripped action from yml forms, now get path_prefix on the fly
- Base Controllers have form_directory set to cope with subclass rename
- Cart Controller works with add/update/clear/save/delete
- Added Forms plugin companion to Forms controller
- Cart forms is not build from sub-forms
0.01000_05 May 30 12:11:16 2007
- Form->render now localizes field labels/submit
- Views now fall back to auto/Mango/templates
- Added Form/FormFile attributes to Form controller
0.01000_04 May 28 09:44:12 2007
- Added Mango::Form/Results for form file config parsing/validation
- Added base Catalyst Models/Views/Controllers/Plugins
- Added tests/pod for new Catalyst base modules
0.01000_03 Apr 20 18:20:11 2007
- Updated/reviewed all pod
- Changed throwing exceptions away from indirect syntax
- Added Mango::Object::Meta to store non-column information
- Added Object->meta_class
- Reworked tests/providers/objects to put data first, and other in meta
- Added Object->get_columns
0.01000_02 Web Apr 18 22:06:43 2007
- Make prereqs for DBIC/Handel real versions
- Added Build.PL to make mst a happy camper
0.01000_01 Mon Apr 16 21:28:13 2007
- initial revision. core modules only.
- Thanks to Brian Cassidy (LTjake) for the junkstart RSS/Atom code.