package SVK::Command; use strict; use SVK::Version; our $VERSION = $SVK::VERSION; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); use SVK::Util qw( get_prompt abs2rel abs_path is_uri catdir bsd_glob from_native find_svm_source $SEP IS_WIN32 HAS_SVN_MIRROR catdepot traverse_history); use SVK::I18N; use Encode; =head1 NAME SVK::Command - Base class and dispatcher for SVK commands =head1 SYNOPSIS use SVK::Command; my $xd = SVK::XD->new ( ... ); my $cmd = 'checkout'; my @args = qw( file1 file2 ); open my $output_fh, '>', 'svk.log' or die $!; SVK::Command->invoke ($xd, $cmd, $output_fh, @args); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module resolves alias for commands and dispatches them, usually with the C<invoke> method. If the command invocation is incorrect, usage information is displayed instead. =head1 METHODS =head2 Class Methods =cut my %alias = qw( ann annotate blame annotate praise annotate co checkout cm cmerge ci commit cp copy del delete remove delete rm delete depot depotmap desc describe di diff h help ? help ls list mi mirror mv move ren move rename move pd propdel pdel propdel pe propedit pedit propedit pg propget pget propget pl proplist plist proplist ps propset pset propset sm smerge st status stat status sw switch sy sync up update ver version ); my %cmd2alias = map { $_ => [] } values %alias; while( my($alias, $cmd) = each %alias ) { push @{$cmd2alias{$cmd}}, $alias; } =head3 new ($xd) Base constructor for all commands. =cut sub new { my ($class, $xd) = @_; my $self = bless { xd => $xd }, $class; return $self; } =head3 get_cmd ($cmd, $xd) Load the command subclass specified in C<$cmd>, and return a new instance of it, populated with C<$xd>. Command aliases are handled here. To construct a command object from another command object, use the C<command> instance method instead. =cut sub get_cmd { my ($pkg, $cmd, $xd) = @_; die "Command not recognized, try $0 help.\n" unless $cmd =~ m/^[?a-z]+$/; $pkg = join('::', 'SVK::Command', _cmd_map ($cmd)); my $file = "$"; $file =~ s!::!/!g; unless (eval {require $file; 1} and $pkg->can('run')) { warn $@ if $@ and exists $INC{$file}; die "Command not recognized, try $0 help.\n"; } $pkg->new ($xd); } sub _cmd_map { my ($cmd) = @_; $cmd = $alias{$cmd} if exists $alias{$cmd}; $cmd =~ s/^(.)/\U$1/; return $cmd; } # rebless to subcommand class if it exists sub _subcommand { my ($self) = @_; no strict 'refs'; for (grep {$self->{$_}} values %{{$self->options}}) { if (exists ${ref($self).'::'}{$_.'::'}) { return bless ($self, (ref($self)."::$_")); } } } =head3 invoke ($xd, $cmd, $output_fh, @args) Takes a L<SVK::XD> object, the command name, the output scalar reference, and the arguments for the command. The command name is translated with the C<%alias> map. On Win32, after C<@args> is parsed for named options, the remaining positional arguments are expanded for shell globbing with C<bsd_glob>. =cut sub invoke { my ($pkg, $xd, $cmd, $output, @args) = @_; my ($help, $ofh, $ret); my $pool = SVN::Pool->new_default; $ofh = select $output if $output; local $SVN::Error::handler = sub { my $error = $_[0]; my $error_message = $error->expanded_message(); $error->clear(); $cmd->handle_error ($error) if defined $cmd; die $error_message."\n"; }; local $@; eval { $cmd = get_cmd ($pkg, $cmd, $xd); $cmd->{svnconfig} = $xd->{svnconfig} if $xd; $cmd->getopt (\@args, 'h|help|?' => \$help); $cmd->_subcommand; # Fake shell globbing on Win32 if we are called from main if (IS_WIN32 and caller(1) eq 'main') { @args = map { /[?*{}\[\]]/ ? bsd_glob($_, File::Glob::GLOB_NOCHECK()) : $_ } @args; } if ($help || !(@args = $cmd->parse_arg(@args))) { select STDERR unless $output; $cmd->usage; } else { $cmd->msg_handler ($SVN::Error::FS_NO_SUCH_REVISION); eval { $cmd->lock (@args); $xd->giant_unlock if $xd && !$cmd->{hold_giant}; $ret = $cmd->run (@args) }; $xd->unlock if $xd; die $@ if $@; } }; # in case parse_arg dies $xd->giant_unlock if $xd && ref ($cmd) && !$cmd->{hold_giant}; $ofh = select STDERR unless $output; print $ret if $ret && $ret !~ /^\d+$/; # if an error handler terminates editor call, there will be stack trace print $@ if $@ && $@ !~ m/\n.+\n.+\n/; $ret = 1 if ($ret ? $ret !~ /^\d+$/ : $@); undef $cmd; undef $pool; # this needs to happen before finish select select $ofh if $ofh; return ($ret || 0); } =head3 getopt ($argv, %opt) Takes a arrayref of argv for run getopt for the command, with additional %opt getopt options. =cut use constant opt_recursive => undef; sub getopt { my ($self, $argv, %opt) = @_; local *ARGV = $argv; my $recursive = $self->opt_recursive; my $toggle = 0; $opt{$recursive ? 'N|non-recursive' : 'R|recursive'} = \$toggle if defined $recursive; die loc ("Unknown options.\n") unless GetOptions (%opt, $self->_opt_map ($self->options)); $self->{recursive} = ($recursive + $toggle) % 2 if defined $recursive; } =head2 Instance Methods C<SVK::Command-E<gt>invoke> loads the corresponding class C<SVK::Command::I<$name>>, so that's the class you want to implement the following methods in: =head3 options () Returns a hash where the keys are L<Getopt::Long> specs and the values are a string that will be the keys storing the parsed option in C<$self>. Subclasses should override this to add their own options. Defaults to an empty list. =head3 opt_recursive Defines if the command needs the recursive flag and its default. The value will be stored in C<recursive>. =cut sub options { () } sub _opt_map { my ($self, %opt) = @_; return map {$_ => \$self->{$opt{$_}}} sort keys %opt; } =head3 parse_arg (@args) This method is called with the remaining arguments after parsing named options with C<options> above. It should use the C<arg_*> methods to return a list of parsed arguments for the command's C<lock> and C<run> method to process. Defaults to return a single C<undef>. =cut sub parse_arg { return (undef) } =head3 lock (@parse_args) Calls the C<lock_*> methods to lock the L<SVK::XD> object. The arguments will be what is returned from C<parse_arg>. =cut sub lock { } =head3 run (@parsed_args) Actually process the command. The arguments will be what is returned from C<parse_arg>. Returned undef on success. Return a string message to notify the caller errors. =cut sub run { require Carp; Carp::croak("Subclasses should implement its 'run' method!"); } =head2 Utility Methods Except for C<arg_depotname>, all C<arg_*> methods below returns a L<SVK::Target> object, which consists of a hash with the following keys: =over =item cinfo =item copath =item depotpath =item path =item repos =item repospath =item report =item targets =back The hashes are handy to pass to many other functions. =head3 arg_condensed (@args) Argument is a number of checkout paths. =cut sub arg_condensed { my ($self, @arg) = @_; return if $#arg < 0; s{[/\Q$SEP\E]$}{}o for @arg; # XXX band-aid my ($report, $copath, @targets )= $self->{xd}->condense (@arg); if ($self->{recursive}) { # remove redundant targets when doing recurisve # if have '' in targets then it means everything my @newtarget = @targets; for my $anchor (sort {length $a <=> length $b} @targets) { @newtarget = grep { length $anchor ? $_ eq $anchor || index ($_, "$anchor/") != 0 : 0} @newtarget; } @targets = @newtarget; } my ($repospath, $path, undef, $cinfo, $repos) = $self->{xd}->find_repos_from_co ($copath, 1); my $target = SVK::Target->new ( repos => $repos, repospath => $repospath, depotpath => $cinfo->{depotpath}, copath => $copath, path => $path, report => $report, targets => @targets ? \@targets : undef ); my $root = $target->root ($self->{xd}); until ($root->check_path ($target->{path}) == $SVN::Node::dir) { my $targets = delete $target->{targets}; $target->anchorify; $target->{targets} = [map {"$target->{targets}[0]/$_"} @$targets] if $targets; } return $target; } =head3 arg_uri_maybe ($arg, $no_new_mirror) Argument might be a URI or a depotpath. If it is a URI, try to find it at or under one of currently mirrored paths. If not found, prompts the user to mirror and sync it. =cut sub arg_uri_maybe { my ($self, $arg, $no_new_mirror) = @_; is_uri($arg) or return $self->arg_depotpath($arg); HAS_SVN_MIRROR or die loc("cannot load SVN::Mirror"); $arg =~ s{/?$}{/}; # add a trailing slash at the end require URI; my $uri = URI->new($arg)->canonical or die loc("%1 is not a valid URI.\n", $arg); my $map = $self->{xd}{depotmap}; foreach my $depot (sort keys %$map) { my $repos = eval { ($self->{xd}->find_repos ("/$depot/", 1))[2] } or next; foreach my $path ( SVN::Mirror::list_mirror ($repos) ) { my $m = eval {SVN::Mirror->new ( repos => $repos, get_source => 1, target_path => $path, ) } or next; my $rel_uri = $uri->rel(URI->new("$m->{source}/")->canonical) or next; next if $rel_uri->eq($uri); next if $rel_uri =~ /^\.\./; my $depotpath = catdepot($depot, $path, $rel_uri); $depotpath = "/$depotpath" if !length($depot); return $self->arg_depotpath($depotpath); } } die loc ("URI not allowed here: %1.\n", $no_new_mirror) if $no_new_mirror; print loc("New URI encountered: %1\n", $uri); my $depots = join('|', map quotemeta, sort keys %$map); my ($base_uri, $rel_uri); { my $base = get_prompt( loc("Choose a base URI to mirror from (press enter to use the full URI): ", $uri), qr/^(?:[A-Za-z][-+.A-Za-z0-9]*:|$)/ ); if (!length($base)) { $base_uri = $uri; $rel_uri = ''; last; } $base_uri = URI->new("$base/")->canonical; $rel_uri = $uri->rel($base_uri); next if $rel_uri->eq($uri); next if $rel_uri =~ /^\.\./; last; } my $prompt = loc(" Before svk start mirroring a remote repository, we would like to explain two terms to you: 'depot path' and 'mirrored path'. A depot path is like any path in a file system, only that the path is stored in svk's internal virtual file system. To avoid confusion, svk's default depot path begins with //, for example //depot or //mirror/project. Now a mirrored path is a depot path with special properties, which serves as the 'mirror' of a remote repository and is by convention stored under //mirror/. Now, you have to assign a name to identify the mirrored repository. For example, if you name it 'your_project' (without the quotes), svk will create a mirrored path called //mirror/your_project. Of course, you can assign a 'full path' for it, for example, //mymirror/myproject, although this is not really necessary. If you just don't care, simply press enter and use svk's default, which is usually good enough. "); my $default = $base_uri->path; $default =~ s{^/+|/+$}{}g; $default =~ s{(?:/(?=trunk$)|/(?:tags|branche?s)/(?=[^/]+$))}{-}; $default =~ s{.*/}{}; my $path = get_prompt( $prompt . loc("Depot path: [//mirror/%1] ", $default), qr{^(?:$|(?:/(?:$depots)/)?[^/])}, ); $path = $default unless length $path; $path = "//mirror/$path" unless $path =~ m!^/!; my $target = $self->arg_depotpath($path); $self->command ('mirror')->run ($target, $base_uri); # If we're mirroring via svn::mirror, not mirroring the whole history # is an option my ($m, $answer); ($m,undef) = SVN::Mirror::is_mirrored ($target->{'repos'}, $target->{'path'}) if (HAS_SVN_MIRROR); # If the user is mirroring from svn if (UNIVERSAL::isa($m,'SVN::Mirror::Ra')) { print loc(" svk needs to mirror the remote repository so you can work locally. If you're mirroring a single branch, it's safe to use any of the options below. If the repository you're mirroring contains multiple branches, svk will work best if you choose to retrieve all revisions. Choosing to start with a recent revision can result in a larger local repository and will break history-sensitive merging within the mirrored path. "); print loc("Synchronizing the mirror for the first time:\n"); print loc(" a : Retrieve all revisions (default)\n"); print loc(" h : Only the most recent revision\n"); print loc(" -count : At most 'count' recent revisions\n"); print loc(" revision : Start from the specified revision\n"); $answer = lc(get_prompt( loc("a)ll, h)ead, -count, revision? [a] "), qr(^[ah]?|^-?\d+$) )); $answer = 'a' unless length $answer; } else { # The user is mirroring with VCP. gotta mirror everything $answer = 'a'; } $self->command( sync => { skip_to => ( ($answer eq 'a') ? undef : ($answer eq 'h') ? 'HEAD-1' : ($answer < 0) ? "HEAD$answer" : $answer ), } )->run ($target); my $depotpath = length ($rel_uri) ? "$target->{depotpath}/$rel_uri" : $target->{depotpath}; return $self->arg_depotpath($depotpath); } =head3 arg_co_maybe ($arg, $no_new_mirror) Argument might be a checkout path or a depotpath. If argument is URI then handles it via C<arg_uri_maybe>. =cut sub arg_co_maybe { my ($self, $arg, $no_new_mirror) = @_; $arg = $self->arg_uri_maybe($arg, $no_new_mirror)->{depotpath} if is_uri($arg); my $rev = $arg =~ s/\@(\d+)$// ? $1 : undef; my ($repospath, $path, $copath, $cinfo, $repos) = $self->{xd}->find_repos_from_co_maybe ($arg, 1); from_native ($path, 'path', $self->{encoding}); return SVK::Target->new ( repos => $repos, repospath => $repospath, depotpath => $cinfo->{depotpath} || $arg, copath => $copath, report => $copath ? File::Spec->canonpath ($arg) : $arg, path => $path, revision => $rev, ); } =head3 arg_copath ($arg) Argument is a checkout path. =cut sub arg_copath { my ($self, $arg) = @_; my ($repospath, $path, $copath, $cinfo, $repos) = $self->{xd}->find_repos_from_co ($arg, 1); from_native ($path, 'path', $self->{encoding}); return SVK::Target->new ( repos => $repos, repospath => $repospath, report => File::Spec->canonpath ($arg), copath => $copath, path => $path, cinfo => $cinfo, depotpath => $cinfo->{depotpath}, ); } =head3 arg_depotpath ($arg) Argument is a depotpath, including the slashes and depot name. =cut sub arg_depotpath { my ($self, $arg) = @_; my $rev = $arg =~ s/\@(\d+)$// ? $1 : undef; my ($repospath, $path, $repos) = $self->{xd}->find_repos ($arg, 1); from_native ($path, 'path', $self->{encoding}); return SVK::Target->new ( repos => $repos, repospath => $repospath, path => $path, report => $arg, revision => $rev, depotpath => $arg, ); } =head3 arg_depotroot ($arg) Argument is a depot root, or a checkout path that needs to be resolved into a depot root. =cut sub arg_depotroot { my ($self, $arg) = @_; local $@; $arg = eval { $self->arg_co_maybe ($arg || '')->new (path => '/') } || $self->arg_depotpath ("//"); $arg->as_depotpath; return $arg; } =head3 arg_depotname ($arg) Argument is a name of depot. such as '' or 'test' that is being used normally between two slashes. =cut sub arg_depotname { my ($self, $arg) = @_; return $self->{xd}->find_depotname ($arg, 1); } =head3 arg_path ($arg) Argument is a plain path in the filesystem. =cut sub arg_path { my ($self, $arg) = @_; return abs_path ($arg); } =head3 parse_revlist () Parse -c or -r to a list of [from, to] pairs. =cut sub parse_revlist { my $self = shift; die loc("Revision required.\n") unless $self->{revspec} or $self->{chgspec}; die loc("Can't assign --revision and --change at the same time.\n") if $self->{revspec} and $self->{chgspec}; my ($fromrev, $torev); if ($self->{chgspec}) { my @revlist; for (split (',', $self->{chgspec})) { my $reverse; if (($fromrev, $torev) = m/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { --$fromrev; } elsif (($reverse, $torev) = m/^(-?)(\d+)$/) { $fromrev = $torev - 1; ($fromrev, $torev) = ($torev, $fromrev) if $reverse; } else { die loc("Change spec %1 not recognized.\n", $_); } push @revlist , [$fromrev, $torev]; } return @revlist; } # revspec if (($fromrev, $torev) = $self->{revspec} =~ m/^(\d+):(\d+)$/) { return ([$fromrev, $torev]); } else { die loc ("Revision spec must be N:M.\n"); } } my %empty = map { ($_ => undef) } qw/.schedule .copyfrom .copyfrom_rev .newprop scheduleanchor/; sub _schedule_empty { %empty }; =head3 lock_target ($target) XXX Undocumented =cut sub lock_target { my $self = shift; for my $target (@_) { $self->{xd}->lock ($target->{copath}) if $target->{copath}; } } =head3 brief_usage ($file) Display an one-line brief usage of the command object. Optionally, a file could be given to extract the usage from the POD. =cut sub brief_usage { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $fname = ref($self); $fname =~ s|::|/|g; open my ($podfh), '<', ($file || $INC{"$"}) or return; local $/=undef; my $buf = <$podfh>; if($buf =~ /^=head1\s+NAME\s*SVK::Command::(\w+ - .+)$/m) { print " ",loc(lcfirst($1)),"\n"; } close $podfh; } =head3 usage ($want_detail) Display usage. If C<$want_detail> is true, the C<DESCRIPTION> section is displayed as well. =cut sub usage { my ($self, $want_detail) = @_; # XXX: the order from selected is not preserved. my $fname = ref($self); $fname =~ s|::|/|g; my($cmd) = $fname =~ m{\W(\w+)$}; my $parser = Pod::Simple::Text->new; my $buf; $parser->output_string(\$buf); $parser->parse_file($INC{"$"}); $buf =~ s/SVK::Command::(\w+)/\l$1/g; $buf =~ s/^AUTHORS.*//sm; $buf =~ s/^DESCRIPTION.*//sm unless $want_detail; my $aliases = $cmd2alias{lc $cmd} || []; if( @$aliases ) { $buf .= "ALIASES\n\n"; $buf .= " "; $buf .= join ', ', sort { $a cmp $b } @$aliases; } foreach my $line (split(/\n\n+/, $buf, -1)) { if (my @lines = $line =~ /^( {4}\s+.+\s*)$/mg) { foreach my $chunk (@lines) { $chunk =~ /^(\s*)(.+?)( *)(: .+?)?(\s*)$/ or next; my $spaces = $3; my $loc = $1 . loc($2 . ($4||'')) . $5; $loc =~ s/: /$spaces: / if $spaces; print $loc, "\n"; } print "\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /^(\s+)(\w+ - .*)$/) { print $1, loc($2), "\n\n"; } elsif (length $line) { print loc($line), "\n\n"; } } } =head2 Error Handling =cut # XXX: here we should really just use $SVN::Error::handler. But the # problem is that it's called within the contxt of editor calls, so # returning causes continuation; while dying would cause # SVN::Delta::Editor to confess. =head3 handle_error ($error) XXX Undocumented =cut sub handle_error { my ($self, $error) = @_; my $err_code = $error->apr_err; return unless $self->{$err_code}; $_->($error) for @{$self->{$err_code}}; return 1; } =head3 add_handler ($error, $handler) XXX Undocumented =cut sub add_handler { my ($self, $err, $handler) = @_; push @{$self->{$err}}, $handler; } =head3 msg_handler ($error, $message) XXX Undocumented =cut sub msg_handler { my ($self, $err, $msg) = @_; $self->add_handler ($err, sub { print $_[0]->expanded_message."\n".($msg ? "$msg\n" : ''); }); } =head3 msg_handler ($error) XXX Undocumented =cut sub clear_handler { my ($self, $err) = @_; delete $self->{$err}; } =head3 command ($cmd, \%args) Construct a command object of the C<$cmd> subclass and return it. The new object will share the C<xd> from the calling command object; contents in C<%args> is also assigned into the new object. =cut sub command { my ($self, $command, $args, $is_rebless) = @_; $command = ucfirst(lc($command)); require "SVK/Command/$" unless $command =~ m/::/; my $cmd = ( $is_rebless ? bless($self, "SVK::Command::$command") : "SVK::Command::$command"->new ($self->{xd}) ); $cmd->{$_} = $args->{$_} for sort keys %$args; return $cmd; } =head3 rebless ($cmd, \%args) Like C<command> above, but modifies the calling object instead of creating a new one. Useful for a command object to recast itself into another command class. =cut sub rebless { my ($self, $command, $args) = @_; return $self->command($command, $args, 1); } sub find_checkout_anchor { my ($self, $target, $track_merge, $track_sync) = @_; my $entry = $self->{xd}{checkout}->get ($target->{copath}); my $anchor_target = $self->arg_depotpath ($entry->{depotpath}); return ($anchor_target, undef) unless $track_merge; my @rel_path = split( '/', abs2rel ($target->{path}, $anchor_target->{path}, undef, '/') ); my $copied_from; while (!$copied_from) { $copied_from = $anchor_target->copied_from ($track_sync); if ($copied_from) { return ($anchor_target, $copied_from); } elsif (@rel_path) { $anchor_target->descend (shift (@rel_path)); } else { return ($self->arg_depotpath ($entry->{depotpath}), undef); } } } sub prompt_depotpath { my ($self, $action, $default, $allow_exist) = @_; my $path; my $prompt = ''; if (defined $default and $default =~ m{(^/[^/]*/)}) { $prompt = loc(" Next, svk will create another depot path, and you have to name it too. It is usally something like %1your_project/. svk will copy what's in the mirrored path into the new path. This depot path is where your own private branch goes. You can commit files to it or check out files from it without affecting the remote repository. Which means you can work with version control even when you're offline (yes, this is one of svk's main features). Please enter a name for your private branch, and it will be placed under %1. If, again, you just don't care, simply press enter and let svk use the default. ", $1); $prompt .= loc("Enter a depot path to %1 into: [%2] ", loc($action), $default ); } else { $prompt = loc ("Enter a depot path to %1 into (under // if no leading '/'): ", loc($action)); } while (1) { $path = get_prompt($prompt); $path = $default if defined $default && !length $path; $path =~ s{^//+}{}; $path =~ s{//+}{/}; $path = "//$path" unless $path =~ m!^/!; $path =~ s{/$}{}; my $target = $self->arg_depotpath ($path); last if $allow_exist or $target->root->check_path ($target->path) == $SVN::Node::none; print loc ("Path %1 already exists.\n", $path); } return $path; } sub resolve_revspec { my ($self,$target) = @_; my $fs = $target->{repos}->fs; my $yrev = $fs->youngest_rev; my ($r1,$r2); if (my $revspec = $self->{revspec}) { if ($#{$revspec} > 1) { die loc ("Invliad -r.\n"); } else { $revspec = [map {split /:/} @$revspec]; ($r1, $r2) = map { $self->resolve_revision($target,$_); } @$revspec; } } return($r1,$r2); } sub resolve_revision { my ($self,$target,$revstr) = @_; return unless defined $revstr; my $fs = $target->{repos}->fs; my $yrev = $fs->youngest_rev; my $rev; if($revstr =~ /^HEAD$/) { $rev = $self->find_head_rev($target); } elsif ($revstr =~ /^BASE$/) { $rev = $self->find_base_rev($target); } elsif ($revstr =~ /\{(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)\}/) { my $date = $1; $date =~ s/-//g; $rev = $self->find_date_rev($target,$date); } elsif (HAS_SVN_MIRROR && (my ($rrev) = $revstr =~ m'^(\d+)@$')) { if (my ($m) = SVN::Mirror::is_mirrored ($target->{repos}, $target->{path})) { $rev = $m->find_local_rev ($rrev); } die loc ("Can't find local revision for %1 on %2.\n", $rrev, $target->path) unless defined $rev; } elsif ($revstr =~ /\D/) { die loc("%1 is not a number.\n",$revstr) } else { $rev = $revstr; } return $rev } sub find_date_rev { my ($self,$target,$date) = @_; # $date should be in yyyymmdd format my $fs = $target->{repos}->fs; my $yrev = $fs->youngest_rev; my ($rev,$last); traverse_history ( root => $fs->revision_root($yrev), path => $target->path, callback => sub { my $props = $fs->revision_proplist($_[1]); my $revdate = $props->{'svn:date'}; $revdate =~ s/T.*$//; $revdate =~ s/-//g; if($date > $revdate) { $rev = ($last || $_[1]); return 0; } $last = $_[1]; return 1; }, ); return $rev || $last; } sub find_base_rev { my ($self,$target) = @_; die(loc("BASE can only be issued with a check-out path\n")) unless(defined($target->{copath})); my $rev = $self->{xd}{checkout}->get($target->copath)->{revision}; return $rev; } sub find_head_rev { my ($self,$target) = @_; $target->as_depotpath; my $fs = $target->{repos}->fs; my $yrev = $fs->youngest_rev; my $rev; traverse_history ( root => $fs->revision_root($yrev), path => $target->path, cross => 0, callback => sub { $rev = $_[1]; return 0; # only need this once }, ); return $rev; } 1; __DATA__ =head1 SEE ALSO L<SVK>, L<SVK::XD>, C<SVK::Command::*> =head1 AUTHORS Chia-liang Kao E<lt>clkao@clkao.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003-2005 by Chia-liang Kao E<lt>clkao@clkao.orgE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<> =cut