0.011 2006-07-24
- basic regex parsing and matching
- grammar/rule parsing
- support := with Data::Bind::bind_op2
- basic hash support
- class name barewords are allowed. Str and Bool in Prelude
- implement $?POSITION and $?CALLER::POSITION.
- 788 tests pass
0.010 2006-07-17
- better support for array and hash syntax; - clkao++
'sub' declarations are terms:
@b.map(sub ($x, $y) { $x + $y })
- 'loop' - clkao++
- fixed HACKING file formatting - snowstalker++
- fixed docs on 'use v6-alpha' - dduncan++
- 538 tests pass
0.009 2006-07-14
- reduce operators: say [*] 1..5
- 499 tests pass
0.008 2006-07-14
- 'use perl5:CGI'
- chain operators
- fixed precedence table
0.007 2006-07-12
- added HACKING file
- added Pugs::Runtime::Perl6Prelude
- added t/Test.pm
-- unmodified copy of pugs ext/Test/lib/Test.pm
- parsing is now done one statement at a time
-- this cuts memory needs by half while compiling Test.pm
- use v5; ... use v6;
-- inlines perl 5 code
- named enums
- bool::True, bool::False, true()
- unless, while
- setting $ENV{V6DUMPAST} can now be used for debugging the syntax tree
0.006 2006-07-06
- we now no longer use Parse::Yapp
- all expression parsing is done with Perl 6 grammar
- regex/token/rule declarations in Perl 6 are parsed
- uses Moose 0.10 for Perl 6 classes and objects
- squash warnings
0.005 2006-07-05
- all sanity tests, up and includes Test.pm from Pugs test suite, now passes
- uses Data::Bind for calling convention
- 'expr unless/if expr;'
0.003 - 0.004
- "Changed everything to make Test.pm compile"
- grammar rewrite; now uses Parse::Yapp for expressions only
0.002 2006-06-28
- added REQUIREMENTS section in v6.pm pod
-- see http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=20152
- uses Moose.pm as the runtime for classes
-- implemented 'module' and 'class'
-- very basic support for 'has', 'method', and parameter list
-- Makefile.PL recommends 'Moose'
- properly parses pod
-- added t/01-pod.t
- more operators
-- added a default '.perl' implementation, which calls perl5 Dumper()
- v6.pm no longer searches in development lib directories
0.001 2006-06-26
- initial CPAN release