2005-04-22 23:04  chris

	* Build.PL, lib/CAM/SOAPApp.pm: fixes

2005-04-22 23:01  chris

	* Build.PL, LICENSE, MANIFEST, README, index.html,
	  lib/CAM/SOAPApp.pm: v1.05 Relicense

2004-06-02 17:23  chris

	* Build.PL: little bug fix

2004-06-02 17:21  chris

	* Build.PL, lib/CAM/SOAPApp.pm: v1.04 Add support for daemon mode
	  to work with challenged clients

2003-09-15 18:15  chris

	* index.html: Oops, add <p> tags to index.html

2003-09-15 18:08  chris

	* Build.PL, LICENSE, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, SOAPApp.pm,
	  index.html, test.pl, lib/CAM/SOAPApp.pm, t/lenient.t, t/server.t,
	  t/Example/Server.pm: v1.03 Updated for new build and license
	  architecture Added full regression tests Rewrote README

2003-08-08 12:03  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm:	v1.02
	  Added a workaround to fix the Safari 1.0 POST bug from Flash:

	  Safari truncates the last byte of the POST, so this workaround
	  detects a trailing tag that looks like '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope' and
	  adds the missing '>' at the end.

2003-06-18 15:39  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm: v1.0.1 Workaround a strange feature of SOAP::SOM in
	  retrieving the soapdata arguments

2003-04-18 14:01  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm: More documentation

2003-04-11 10:37  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm: Correction in last cvs log: I meant 1.00, not 0.03

2003-04-11 10:29  chris

	* COPYRIGHT, MANIFEST, README, SOAPApp.pm: v0.03 License correction
	  Pass an undef CGI to prevent a CGI object from being

2003-04-08 08:55  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm: v0.02 Bug fix: include wrong transport package

2003-03-27 13:55  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm: little bug fix doc cleanup

2003-03-26 16:45  chris

	* SOAPApp.pm: Fix missing documentation end flag (=cut)

2003-03-26 16:30  chris

	* COPYRIGHT, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, SOAPApp.pm, test.pl:
	  Initial revision

2003-03-26 16:30  chris

	* COPYRIGHT, MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, SOAPApp.pm, test.pl:
	  initial import