package FLV::Body; use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use base 'FLV::Base'; use FLV::Tag; use FLV::VideoTag; use FLV::AudioTag; use FLV::MetaTag; our $VERSION = '0.03'; =head1 NAME FLV::Body - Flash video file data structure =head1 LICENSE Copyright 2006 Clotho Advanced Media, Inc., <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 METHODS This is a subclass of FLV::Base. =over =item $self->parse($fileinst) Takes a FLV::File instance and extracts the FLV body from the file stream. This method throws exceptions if the stream is not a valid FLV v1.0 or v1.1 file. There is no return value. =cut sub parse { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my @tags; TAGS: while (1) { my $lastsize = $file->get_bytes(4); if ($file->at_end()) { last TAGS; } my $tag = FLV::Tag->new(); $tag->parse($file); # might throw exception push @tags, $tag->get_payload(); } $self->{tags} = [sort {$a->{start} <=> $b->{start}} @tags]; return; } =item $self->serialize($filehandle) Serializes the in-memory FLV body. If that representation is not complete, this throws an exception via croak(). Returns a boolean indicating whether writing to the file handle was successful. =cut sub serialize { my $self = shift; my $filehandle = shift || croak 'Please specify a filehandle'; return if (! print {$filehandle} pack 'V', 0); for my $tag (@{$self->{tags}}) { my $size = FLV::Tag->serialize($tag, $filehandle); if (!$size) { return; } print {$filehandle} pack 'V', $size; } return 1; } =item $self->get_info() Returns a hash of FLV metadata. See File::Info for more details. =cut sub get_info { my $self = shift; my %info = ( duration => $self->last_start_time(), FLV::VideoTag->get_info(grep {$_->isa('FLV::VideoTag')} @{$self->{tags}}), FLV::AudioTag->get_info(grep {$_->isa('FLV::AudioTag')} @{$self->{tags}}), FLV::MetaTag->get_info(grep {$_->isa('FLV::MetaTag')} @{$self->{tags}}), ); return %info; } =item $self->get_tags() Returns an array of tag instances. =cut sub get_tags { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{tags}}; } =item $self->count_video_frames() Returns the number of video tags in the FLV stream. =cut sub count_video_frames { my $self = shift; return scalar grep {$_->isa('FLV::VideoTag')} @{$self->{tags}}; } =item $self->count_audio_packets() Returns the number of audio tags in the FLV stream. =cut sub count_audio_packets { my $self = shift; return scalar grep {$_->isa('FLV::AudioTag')} @{$self->{tags}}; } =item $self->count_meta_tags() Returns the number of meta tags in the FLV stream. =cut sub count_meta_tags { my $self = shift; return scalar grep {$_->isa('FLV::MetaTag')} @{$self->{tags}}; } =item $self->last_start_time() Returns the start timestamp of the last tag, in milliseconds. =cut sub last_start_time { my $self = shift; my $tag = $self->{tags}->[-1] or die 'No tags found'; return $tag->{start}; } # =item $self->end_time() # # Doesn't work yet. # # This is a prototypic implementation that tries to extrapolate the end time of the FLV from metadata about the last tags. # # =cut # # sub end_time # { # my $self = shift; # # my $tag = $self->{tags}->[-1] # or die 'No tags found'; # # my $duration; # if ($tag->isa('FLV::VideoTag')) # { # my $f = $self->video_frames(); # $duration = $tag->{start}/($f-1); # } # else # { # # Doesn't work yet # $duration = $tag->get_duration(); # } # return $tag->{start} + $duration; # } =item $self->get_meta($key); =item $self->set_meta($key, $value); These are convenience functions for interacting with an C<onMetadata> tag at time 0, which is a common convention in FLV files. If the 0th tag is not an L<FLV::MetaTag> instance, one is created and prepended to the tag list. See also C<get_value> and C<set_value> in L<FLV::MetaTag>. =cut sub get_meta { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; return if (!$self->{tags}); my $meta = $self->{tags}->[0]; return if (!eval {$meta->isa('FLV::MetaTag')}); return $meta->get_value($key); } sub set_meta { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; my $value = shift; my $meta; $self->{tags} ||= []; $meta = $self->{tags}->[0]; if (!eval {$meta->isa('FLV::MetaTag')}) { $meta = FLV::MetaTag->new(); $meta->{start} = 0; unshift @{$self->{tags}}, $meta; } $meta->set_value($key => $value); return; } 1; __END__ =back =head1 AUTHOR Clotho Advanced Media Inc., I<> Primary developer: Chris Dolan =cut