Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::PT::Inflect.

0.03  Wed Sep 22 00:14:47 2004
	- added META.yml
	- Perl required version is now 5.006 (was 5.008)
	- minor changes in the documentation
	- added OO interface (and tests for it)

0.02  Mon May 10 16:49:47 2004
	- fixed the broken rules for words ending in -il
	- added exceptions

0.01  Mon May 10 16:49:47 2004
	- first release ready. still has untreated cases

0.01  Mon May 10 15:22:47 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-XAn Lingua::PT::Inflect