0.12 2015-01-12
- Add support for Test::Requires and superclass
- Update copyright notices
- stripquotelike() now explodes anonymous hashes too
- The XXX hook now doesn't require YAML on empty imports
- `use Inline ()' now works somewhat better
0.11 2014-11-26
- Moose-like support rewritten -- we now detect versions and avoid indirect
object method calls
- aliased fixed; it now only reports the first module in the list, duh
- We no longer report obvious filenames, really
- The required version of perl can be an integer as well, duh again
- List constructors spread over multiple lines are now processed correctly
- Package names ending in :: are now reported without this suffix
0.10 2014-10-15
- New internal hook API
- Support for use_ok, require_ok, syntax_ok from various test distributions,
and for "use ok" added
- Inline support added
- XXX support added
- Minor performance improvements
- We no longer report reqs/uses containing non-module strings, like
filesnames or variables
0.06 2014-10-06
- Restore compatibility with 5.10
0.05 2014-09-29
- Release with proper POD
0.04 2014-09-29
- Detect conditional and compound require statement correctly
- Support Any::Moose
- Support Moose-like inheritence (`with' and `extends')
0.03 2014-09-08
- Add ExecDir to dist.ini to install bin/tangerine by default
0.02 2014-09-05
- Switch to PP Mo
- Include the script's deps in prereqs
0.01 2014-09-04
- This is the initial public release