0.09 20180519
+ Silence warning when using Mojolicious
Thanks to pplu and Grinnz for reporting it and the diagnosis
This addresses https://github.com/Corion/future-http/issues/2
! The response body is now always decoded like HTTP::Message->decoded_content
If you need access to the raw, undecoded content, please tell me
. Switch from including Test::HTTP::LocalServer to loading it as
a test prerequisite
0.08 20171129
! 3xx status codes are not treated as errors anymore
. Common code was moved into a Role
+ Support for HTTP::Tiny::Paranoid
+ Support for IO::Async / Net::Async::HTTP
0.07 20170703
. Only test changes, no need to upgrade
. Split up the backend test into separate files to avoid trying to reload
an identical module during the test run(s)
0.06 20170630
. We want AnyEvent::Future 0.02 minimum
+ Actually return a "true" message when failing in HTTP::Future::Mojo
0.05 20160524
. Old versions of HTTP::Tiny don't have some features, defang the tests
0.04 20160523
. Attempt to be more compatible with older versions of HTTP::Tiny
Those older versions are distributed with Perl 5.12.x etc, so
compatibility with them allows us not to require an upgrade of the
core module.
0.03 20160523
. Tighten prerequisites
We need Future 0.33 now
Actually, likely anything above 0.26 will work, but I'm too lazy to
find out which versions work.
. Support Mojolicious as backend
0.02 20160520
. Fix test suite
0.01 20160516
. Released on an unsuspecting world