0.08 2018-12-06
* Add C<implicit_headers> option to leave out headers when generating code
* Handle -L , --location
0.07 2018-11-27
* Fix broken code generation
* The requests worked but the generated code did not
0.06 2018-11-26
* Add support for --cookie option. This option doesn't read from a file
though, but only supports literal cookies.
* Ignore --dump-header, document ignored options
* Tests for some other options
0.05 2018-11-23
* Fix -XPOST and other option-bundling commands
0.04 2018-11-20
* Test stability, fix test count when skipping, no need to upgrade
0.03 2018-11-19
* Fix prerequisite versions, C<< ->getoptionsfromarray() >> was introduced
in Getopt::Long 2.39
* Add support for --max-time
* Add support for (ignored options) --(no-)keepalive and --(no-)buffer
* Add support for (ignored option) --progress-bar , -#
0.02 2018-11-15
* Support --compressed option
* Run output through HTML::Tidy if it is installed
Suggested by H Merijn Brand
* Test stability RT #127642, thanks to SREZIC
* Correct prerequisite versions RT 127644, thanks to SREZIC
* Test stability against weirdo Curl user agents (CentOS6)
reported by Slaven Rezic
0.01 2018-11-14
* Released on an unsuspecting world
* Inspired by a remark by Your Mother on https://perlmonks.org/