0.10 20091126
. Add way to deregister callbacks to release the memory
taken up on the Perl side for them.
0.09 20091121
. Add tests for multiple bridge instances
. Multiple bridge instances work (except for some warnings
originating from MozRepl.pm)
. Some code cleanup
0.08 20091111
. Localize $@ in the destructor so we don't eat
. Allow for passing of multiple parameters in callbacks
0.07 20091109
. Always use our own JSON encoder on the Javascript side.
The native encoders don't output ASCII. This is sad,
but there seems to be a problem with the encodings along the way.
0.06 20091102
. Added __event() to send arbitrary events
0.05 20091031
. Implement callbacks/events
0.04 20091030
. Added exists functionality for hashes
. added $bridge->appinfo as a convenience function
0.03 20091029
! Fixed ->__xpath
! Fixed bad use of ->declare
* Use the stable but large encoding of 7-bit ASCII
for communication by switching to String.toSourceCode() on the
JS side.
0.02 20091027
* ->__xpath returned numbers instead of objects
* The object was split into two classes, one for bridge functionality
and one for instance functionality
* $bridge->declare() for declaring cached anonymous functions
0.01 20091018
. released on CPAN