To be released

0.19 20100603
    . Added example programs
    . Generate example documentation by script from John McNamara

0.18 20100518
    . ->submit() returns a true value now
    . added another test
    . Add test and fix bug in ->form_with_fields, which never worked properly
    . Add test and fix bug in ->form_name, which never worked at all

0.17 20100426
    . Don't only request nsiHttpChannel, also use it instead of $request
    . Fix warnings in test suite
    . Add ->eval() as synonym for ->eval_in_page()
    . Fix distribution MANIFEST

0.16 20100425
    . Added ->submit
    . Added ->submit_form with_fields => [...]
    . Bugfix: Explicitly ask for the nsiHTTPChannel when trying to
      create a response

0.15 20091216
    . Better Makefile.PL and Prereq patch by Alexandr Ciornii (chorny)
    . Removed some dead code
    . Fixed some incompatible Javascript

0.14 20091215
    . Added documentation about bufsize parameter
    . Option to recursively search frames

0.13 20091213
    . Added way to use the "current" tab instead of a new/known tab
    . Fixed a bug regarding reusing tabs
    . Added eg/ directory with examples
    . Added way to specify maximum buffer size at startup
      in response to

0.12 20091130
    ! Renamed to ::Firefox
      This affects all your scripts, unfortunately.
    . Added ->save_url for downloading content to disk
    . Added ->save_document for downloading the current document to disk
    . Make ->synchronize and ->click not automatically fetch the response
    . Guard against empty/undefined schemes when constructing the JS response
    . Add and document a method to launch Firefox if it's not already running.

0.11 20091126
    . Implement real HTTP response codes instead of the faked
      response codes.
    * Fix a memory leak/cycle that prevented tabs from closing
    . Now needs MozRepl::RemoteObject 0.10 for the API to deregister

0.10 20091121
    . implemented ->form_name, ->form_id, ->form_number
    . unified API between ->find_link, ->selector, ->xpath
    . Needs MozRepl::RemoteObject 0.09 to ensure that
      multiple $mech instances work
0.09 20091111
    . Allow ->eval_in_page() to specify an overriding
      environment, for example to override alert()

0.08 20091109
    . Make tests warn if I suspect that Javascript is
      blocked by Noscript. This makes some tests fail.
    . Require latest MozRepl::RemoteObject for sane encoding handling.

0.07 20091106
    . added ->eval_in_page() to evaluate Javascript in
      the context of the page
    . added better frame / iframe handling.
    o Frame/iframes don't play well with data: URLs.

0.06 20091102
    . added 'autoclose' parameter to specify whether the
      tab that mechanize creates gets automatically closed upon
      object release
    . added ->content_as_png() to save the current page
      as PNG
    . Added 'single' option to ->selector() and ->xpath()
    . Added capture of arbitrary rectangles to ->content_as_png()
    . added ->find_link APIs
    . added ->find_link tests from WWW::Mechanize
    . added sending of focus/change/blur events and API

0.05 20091030
    . Added HTTP::Cookies::MozRepl to allow for live cookie querying
    . Added ->cookies method for cookie access

0.04 20091029
    . Added ->set_visible
    . Added ->value (partly buggy with respect to event triggering)
    . added log passthrough parameter

0.03 20091028
    . Added missing MIME::Base64 prerequisite
    . Now has WWW::Mechanize as a prerequisite
    . Also requires MozRepl::RemoteObject 0.2 due to the changed call
      interface and introduction of ->declare for caching.

0.02 20091027
    . rearranged documentation
    . made tests skip if we can't connect to MozRepl

0.01 20091026
    . Released unto a propably suspecting audience