# vim:fdm=expr:fdl=1:foldexpr=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^=='?'>1'\:getline(v\:lnum)[0]=~'[*x(]'?'>2'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^--'?'<2'\:'=' * any recommended name for vim-packager script ? i think vim-packager is not very nice for typing.. * provide readme template. * install dependency from distribution. vimsan.org * plugin script template (for each type , syntax , ftplugin , plugin ) insert something like version guard, load guard , document ... etc * make document from parsing functions. vimdoc::sk script should be convertable. (to html or something) * install from remote repository, e.g. clone from remote git repostiory, parse vimmeta , and install. * extract markdown document from pod * vimball support (makefile maker) $ make vimball * support scaning vimball install record. and install.