Revision history for Perl extension Device::Gsm.

0.01  Tue Feb 26 22:15:31 CET 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-A -X -n Device::Gsm -v 0.01

1.04  Mon Mar 25 07:34:52 CET 2002
    - added pod, html, text docs

1.05  Sat Mar 30 15:12:09 CET 2002
	- added service_number() method

1.06  Sat Mar 30 16:43:55 CET 2002
	- added manufacturer(), model(), software_version() methods to 
      get information about the device
	- added test_command() to test support for a specific GSM command

1.07  Wed Apr  3 23:38:51 CEST 2002
	- removed unnecessary javadoc style tags
	- made use of new parse_answer() call
	- now service_center() works
	- device identification functions now work
	- improved test suite
	- fixed logging class mechanism

1.08  Sat Apr  6 00:24:29 CEST 2002
	- hangup() method
	- imei() / serial_number() method with test case

1.09  Tue Apr  9 00:19:02 CEST 2002
	- added with functions to treat PDU encoded data
	- added _send_sms_pdu() internal method

1.10  Wed Apr 10 00:20:28 CEST 2002
	- fixed and renamed functions
	- send_sms() new parameters that dispatch calls to
	  _send_sms_pdu() and _send_sms_text() to allow text and PDU modes
	- send_sms() now works! (with siemens C25/35/45)

1.14  Mon Apr 29 18:54:36 CEST 2002
	- fixed errors in debugging
	- fixed errors in AT command response handling (still to-do)
	- included network registration test (must supply PIN in t/30register.t)
	- added in examples/