Revision history for Perl extension Device::Gsm.
1.47 Tue Feb 13 11:31:24 CET 2007
- Fixed t/30networks.t test script.
1.46 Tue Dec 19 22:05:31 CET 2006
- Fixed CPAN RT wishlist #23575.
Again thanks to Troels for his ideas.
1.45 Tue Oct 17 18:01:43 CEST 2006
- Fixed CPAN RT bugs #21991, #21992, #22025.
Thanks to Troels Jensen for accurate reporting and patch suggestions.
1.44 Wed Aug 16 08:25:50 CEST 2006
- Fixed decoding of alphabetical sender addresses.
- Added correct decoding of UCS languages (Russian for example).
Thanks to Nikolay Shaplov for the bug report + patch.
1.43 Sun Jul 23 17:40:15 CEST 2006
- Added ability to decode alphabetical sender addresses.
Thanks to Torsten Mueller for report the issue.
1.42 Mon May 8 21:16:40 CEST 2006
- Fixed a bug in Device::Gsm::Sms delete() method that invoked
a non-existent Device::Gsm::deleteMessage().
- Implemented read and delete of sms messages from different
storages (ME, SM, ...). Only for PDU format. Thanks to
Jurij Sikorsky for the patch.
1.41 Thu Apr 20 21:52:19 CEST 2006
- === Now Device::Gsm 1.39+ requires at least Device::Modem v1.47 ===
Check out on CPAN before upgrading.
- Some cool fixes for better support of Iridium Satellite phones,
GPRS connections and command/response faster cycle.
Many thanks to Ed Wildgoose.
1.37 Sat Aug 27 12:53:00 CEST 2005
- fixed regexp to extract sim card sms messages information
(thanks to Pierre Hilson <zorglups hotmail com>)
1.35 Wed Sep 15 23:43:03 CEST 2004
- finally added encoding/decoding of sms text between
8 bit ASCII (ISO-8859) and 7 bit GSM 03.38
(thanks to Stefano Pisani for his feedback)
1.34 Wed Aug 18 09:10:48 CEST 2004
- fixed delete_sms() command syntax and results parsing. Thanks
to all users that reported problems.
- added an example script on how to delete sms messages.
1.33 Wed May 26 13:52:43 CEST 2004
- added delete_sms() method. For now, works only in PDU mode.
- fixed messages() newline regex split pattern
- modified send sms in text mode to cope with slower/older devices
- modified message read method to set pdu mode before executing
1.25 Fri Jan 23 00:59:16 CET 2004
- further documentation, troubleshooting and autoscan utility
- added all new pdu sms token-oriented decoding classes
(this is an 80% complete implementation, mostly regarding charset
conversion issues)
- Device::Gsm::Sms public class is now documented properly
1.20 Wed Jan 21 23:32:45 CET 2004
- completed full documentation (to be revised)
- documented working irda/bluetooth connections (always
through device::serialport :-)
1.18 Mon Mar 24 23:32:27 CET 2003
- added a complete interface to read messages on SIM card
( $gsm->messages() method and Device::Gsm::Sms objects )
- some minor cleanup
1.17 Thu Sep 12 00:22:06 CEST 2002
- added signal_quality() method to measure gsm signal power (dBm)
- added an example script in [examples] folder (`')
1.16 Tue Sep 3 23:37:56 CEST 2002
- fixed documentation example (thanks to Domenico Viggiani)
- added `examples/' script to report successful
installations of Device::Gsm module :-)
- improved test scripts; now work also with env vars, and without too
many `connect()'s
1.14 Mon Apr 29 18:54:36 CEST 2002
- fixed errors in debugging
- fixed errors in AT command response handling (still to-do)
- included network registration test (must supply PIN in t/30register.t)
- added in examples/
1.10 Wed Apr 10 00:20:28 CEST 2002
- fixed and renamed functions
- send_sms() new parameters that dispatch calls to
_send_sms_pdu() and _send_sms_text() to allow text and PDU modes
- send_sms() now works! (with siemens C25/35/45)
1.09 Tue Apr 9 00:19:02 CEST 2002
- added with functions to treat PDU encoded data
- added _send_sms_pdu() internal method
1.08 Sat Apr 6 00:24:29 CEST 2002
- hangup() method
- imei() / serial_number() method with test case
1.07 Wed Apr 3 23:38:51 CEST 2002
- removed unnecessary javadoc style tags
- made use of new parse_answer() call
- now service_center() works
- device identification functions now work
- improved test suite
- fixed logging class mechanism
1.06 Sat Mar 30 16:43:55 CET 2002
- added manufacturer(), model(), software_version() methods to
get information about the device
- added test_command() to test support for a specific GSM command
1.05 Sat Mar 30 15:12:09 CET 2002
- added service_number() method
1.04 Mon Mar 25 07:34:52 CET 2002
- added pod, html, text docs
0.01 Tue Feb 26 22:15:31 CET 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
-A -X -n Device::Gsm -v 0.01