Change history for Net::Statsd

0.09_01 - Thu Jun 05 18:09:01 CEST 2014

    Implemented multi-metric gauge sending. Thanks to Ville Mattila for
    the initial patch.

0.09 - Wed Jun 04 16:23:01 CEST 2014

    Fixed RT#96097 (fsf address, thanks to David Dick for reporting)

0.08 - Sat Aug 11 22:55:53 CEST 2012

    Improved performance by a ~13x factor, optimizing the
    send code and reusing the same socket instead of creating
    a new one every time.

    Added a benchmarking script, to measure Net::Statsd
    throughput in msg/s.

    Thanks to Tim Bunce for these great patches.

0.07 - Fri Aug 10 09:16:20 CEST 2012

    Fixed tests failure when an already existing statsd server
    was already running on port 8125. The mock server will now
    use any available unprivileged port instead of 8125.

    Thanks to Joseph Crotty for reporting the problem and to
    Jacob Rideout for providing a working patch.

0.06 - Thu Jul 26 13:05:19 CEST 2012

    Changed ordering of functions and POD documentation
    to clarify public and private methods a bit more.
    Thanks to Andreas Marienborg.

0.05 and below, let's consider them initial release