package Venus::Role::Tryable; use 5.018; use strict; use warnings; use Moo::Role; # METHODS sub try { my ($self, $callback, @args) = @_; require Venus::Try; my $try = Venus::Try->new(invocant => $self, arguments => [@args]); return $try if !$callback; return $try->call($callback); } 1; =head1 NAME Venus::Role::Tryable - Tryable Role =cut =head1 ABSTRACT Tryable Role for Perl 5 =cut =head1 SYNOPSIS package Example; use Venus::Class; use Venus 'raise'; with 'Venus::Role::Tryable'; sub test { raise 'Example::Error'; } package main; my $example = Example->new; # $example->try('test'); =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This package modifies the consuming package and provides a mechanism for handling potentially volatile routines. =cut =head1 METHODS This package provides the following methods: =cut =head2 try try(Str | CodeRef $method, Any @args) (Try) The try method returns a L<Venus::Try> object having the invocant, callback, arguments pre-configured. This method supports dispatching, i.e. providing a method name and arguments whose return value will be acted on by this method. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item try example 1 package main; my $example = Example->new; my $try = $example->try('test'); # my $value = $try->result; =back =cut =head1 AUTHORS Cpanery, C<> =cut =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2021, Cpanery Read the L<"license"|> file. =cut