package Venus::Regexp; use 5.018; use strict; use warnings; use Moo; extends 'Venus::Kind::Value'; use overload ( 'eq' => sub{"$_[0]" eq "$_[1]"}, 'ne' => sub{"$_[0]" ne "$_[1]"}, 'qr' => sub{$_[0]->value}, ); # METHODS sub default { return qr//; } sub replace { my ($self, $string, $substr, $flags) = @_; require Venus::Replace; my $replace = Venus::Replace->new( regexp => $self->get, string => $string // '', substr => $substr // '', flags => $flags // '', ); return $replace->do('evaluate'); } sub search { my ($self, $string) = @_; require Venus::Search; my $search = Venus::Search->new( regexp => $self->get, string => $string // '', ); return $search->do('evaluate'); } 1; =head1 NAME Venus::Regexp - Regexp Class =cut =head1 ABSTRACT Regexp Class for Perl 5 =cut =head1 SYNOPSIS package main; use Venus::Regexp; my $regexp = Venus::Regexp->new( qr/(?<greet>\w+) (?<username>\w+)/, ); # $regexp->search; =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides methods for manipulating regexp data. =cut =head1 INHERITS This package inherits behaviors from: L<Venus::Kind::Value> =cut =head1 METHODS This package provides the following methods: =cut =head2 default default() (Regexp) The default method returns the default value, i.e. C<qr//>. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item default example 1 # given: synopsis; my $default = $regexp->default; # qr/(?^u:)/ =back =cut =head2 replace replace(Str $string, Str $substr, Str $flags) (Replace) The replace method performs a regular expression substitution on the given string. The first argument is the string to match against. The second argument is the replacement string. The optional third argument might be a string representing flags to append to the s///x operator, such as 'g' or 'e'. This method will always return a L<Venus::Replace> object which can be used to introspect the result of the operation. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item replace example 1 package main; use Venus::Regexp; my $regexp = Venus::Regexp->new( qr/(?<username>\w+)$/, ); my $replace = $regexp->replace('Hey, unknown', 'cpanery'); # bless({ ... }, 'Venus::Replace') =back =cut =head2 search search(Str $string) (Search) The search method performs a regular expression match against the given string, this method will always return a L<Venus::Search> object which can be used to introspect the result of the operation. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item search example 1 package main; use Venus::Regexp; my $regexp = Venus::Regexp->new( qr/(?<greet>\w+), (?<username>\w+)/, ); my $search = $regexp->search('hey, cpanery'); # bless({ ... }, 'Venus::Search') =back =cut =head1 OPERATORS This package overloads the following operators: =cut =over 4 =item operation: C<(eq)> This package overloads the C<eq> operator. B<example 1> # given: synopsis; my $result = $regexp eq '(?^u:(?<greet>\\w+) (?<username>\\w+))'; # 1 =back =over 4 =item operation: C<(ne)> This package overloads the C<ne> operator. B<example 1> # given: synopsis; my $result = $regexp ne '(?<greet>\w+) (?<username>\w+)'; # 1 =back =over 4 =item operation: C<(qr)> This package overloads the C<qr> operator. B<example 1> # given: synopsis; my $result = 'Hello Friend' =~ $regexp; # 1 =back =head1 AUTHORS Cpanery, C<> =cut =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2021, Cpanery Read the L<"license"|> file. =cut