package Venus::Opts; use 5.018; use strict; use warnings; use Moo; extends 'Venus::Kind::Utility'; with 'Venus::Role::Accessible'; with 'Venus::Role::Proxyable'; # ATTRIBUTES has named => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {{}}, ); has parsed => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {{}}, ); has specs => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, ); has warns => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, ); # BUILDERS sub build_arg { my ($self, $data) = @_; return { specs => $data, }; } sub build_self { my ($self, $data) = @_; return $self->parse; } sub build_proxy { my ($self, $package, $method, $value) = @_; my $has_value = exists $_[3]; return sub { return $self->get($method) if !$has_value; # no value return $self->set($method, $value); }; } # METHODS sub default { my ($self) = @_; return [@ARGV]; } sub exists { my ($self, $name) = @_; return if not defined $name; my $pos = $self->name($name); return if not defined $pos; return CORE::exists $self->parsed->{$pos}; } sub get { my ($self, $name) = @_; return if not defined $name; my $pos = $self->name($name); return if not defined $pos; return $self->parsed->{$pos}; } sub parse { my ($self, $extras) = @_; return $self->parsed if %{$self->parsed}; my $value = $self->value; my $specs = $self->specs; my $parsed = {}; my @configs = qw(default no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case); $extras = [] if !$extras; require Getopt::Long; my $warns = []; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @$warns, map s/\n+$//gr, @_; return; }; # configure parser Getopt::Long::Configure(Getopt::Long::Configure(@configs, @$extras)); # parse args using spec Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray([@$value], $parsed, @$specs); $self->parsed($parsed); $self->warns($warns); return $self; } sub name { my ($self, $name) = @_; if (defined $self->named->{$name}) { return $self->named->{$name}; } if (defined $self->parsed->{$name}) { return $name; } return undef; } sub set { my ($self, $name, $data) = @_; return if not defined $name; my $pos = $self->name($name); return if not defined $pos; return $self->parsed->{$pos} = $data; } sub unnamed { my ($self) = @_; my $list = []; my $opts = $self->parsed; my $data = +{reverse %{$self->named}}; for my $index (sort keys %$opts) { unless (exists $data->{$index}) { push @$list, $opts->{$index}; } } return $list; } 1; =head1 NAME Venus::Opts - Opts Class =cut =head1 ABSTRACT Opts Class for Perl 5 =cut =head1 SYNOPSIS package main; use Venus::Opts; my $opts = Venus::Opts->new( value => ['--resource', 'users', '--help'], specs => ['resource|r=s', 'help|h'], named => { method => 'resource' } # optional ); # $opts->method; # $resource # $opts->get('resource'); # $resource # $opts->help; # $help # $opts->get('help'); # $help =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This package provides methods for handling command-line arguments. =cut =head1 ATTRIBUTES This package has the following attributes: =cut =head2 named named(HashRef) This attribute is read-write, accepts C<(HashRef)> values, is optional, and defaults to C<{}>. =cut =head2 parsed parsed(HashRef) This attribute is read-write, accepts C<(HashRef)> values, is optional, and defaults to C<{}>. =cut =head2 specs specs(ArrayRef) This attribute is read-write, accepts C<(ArrayRef)> values, is optional, and defaults to C<[]>. =cut =head2 warns warns(ArrayRef) This attribute is read-write, accepts C<(ArrayRef)> values, is optional, and defaults to C<[]>. =cut =head1 INHERITS This package inherits behaviors from: L<Venus::Kind::Utility> =cut =head1 INTEGRATES This package integrates behaviors from: L<Venus::Role::Accessible> L<Venus::Role::Proxyable> =cut =head1 METHODS This package provides the following methods: =cut =head2 default default() (ArrayRef) The default method returns the default value, i.e. C<[@ARGV]>. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item default example 1 # given: synopsis; my $default = $opts->default; # [] =back =cut =head2 exists exists(Str $key) (Bool) The exists method takes a name or index and returns truthy if an associated value exists. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item exists example 1 # given: synopsis; my $exists = $opts->exists('resource'); # 1 =back =over 4 =item exists example 2 # given: synopsis; my $exists = $opts->exists('method'); # 1 =back =over 4 =item exists example 3 # given: synopsis; my $exists = $opts->exists('resources'); # undef =back =cut =head2 get get(Str $key) (Any) The get method takes a name or index and returns the associated value. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item get example 1 # given: synopsis; my $get = $opts->get('resource'); # "users" =back =over 4 =item get example 2 # given: synopsis; my $get = $opts->get('method'); # "users" =back =over 4 =item get example 3 # given: synopsis; my $get = $opts->get('resources'); # undef =back =cut =head2 name name(Str $key) (Str | Undef) The name method takes a name or index and returns index if the the associated value exists. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item name example 1 # given: synopsis; my $name = $opts->name('resource'); # "resource" =back =over 4 =item name example 2 # given: synopsis; my $name = $opts->name('method'); # "resource" =back =over 4 =item name example 3 # given: synopsis; my $name = $opts->name('resources'); # undef =back =cut =head2 parse parse(ArrayRef $args) (Opts) The parse method optionally takes additional L<Getopt::Long> parser configuration options and retuns the options found based on the object C<args> and C<spec> values. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item parse example 1 # given: synopsis; my $parse = $opts->parse; # { help => 1, resource => "users" } =back =over 4 =item parse example 2 # given: synopsis; my $parse = $opts->parse(['bundling']); # { help => 1, resource => "users" } =back =cut =head2 set set(Str $key, Any $data) (Any) The set method takes a name or index and sets the value provided if the associated argument exists. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item set example 1 # given: synopsis; my $set = $opts->set('method', 'people'); # "people" =back =over 4 =item set example 2 # given: synopsis; my $set = $opts->set('resource', 'people'); # "people" =back =over 4 =item set example 3 # given: synopsis; my $set = $opts->set('resources', 'people'); # undef =back =cut =head2 unnamed unnamed() (ArrayRef) The unnamed method returns an arrayref of values which have not been named using the C<named> attribute. I<Since C<0.01>> =over 4 =item unnamed example 1 # given: synopsis; my $unnamed = $opts->unnamed; # [1] =back =cut =head1 AUTHORS Cpanery, C<> =cut =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2021, Cpanery Read the L<"license"|> file. =cut