use strict; use warnings; package KinoSearch::Highlight::Encoder; use KinoSearch::Util::ToolSet; use base qw( KinoSearch::Util::Class ); our %instance_vars = (); sub encode { shift->abstract_death } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME KinoSearch::Highlight::Encoder - Encode excerpted text. =head1 SYNOPSIS # abstract base class =head1 DESCRIPTION Encoder objects are invoked by Highlighter objects for every piece of text that makes it into an excerpt. The archetypal implementation is L<KinoSearch::Highlight::SimpleHTMLEncoder>. =head1 METHODS =head2 encode my $encoded = $encoder->encode($text); =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2006-2007 Marvin Humphrey =head1 LICENSE, DISCLAIMER, BUGS, etc. See L<KinoSearch> version 0.20. =cut