Revision history for Map-Metro

0.1700 2014-12-12T23:54:30Z CET
 [API Changes]
 - Renamed routing_completed hook to before_add_routing.
 - Revamped plugin systems for maps.

 [Bug Fixes]
 - In the output from MM::Cmd::Station the last line wouldn't be printed.

 - Fleshed out hook example.

 - Argument hooks to Map::Metro->new can now be a string (when only using
   one hook).
 - Added before_add_station hook.
 - Added original_name to Station, so if before_add_station changes the
   station's name, we can still search for the old name (esp when creating
   Segments, but also in routing_for()).
 - Added MM::Plugin::Hook::StreamStations, mostly as a hook example.

0.1600 2014-12-12T02:29:55Z CET
 [API Changes]
 - Removed add to_text() (and related) methods from MM::Graph::*.

 - All relevant MM::Cmd classes are adapted to the new hook system.
 - Ensures that maps only resides in the MM::Plugin::Map namespace.

 [New Features]
 - Created an event/hook system (so far only emits 'routing_completed').
 - Implemented a MM::Plugin::Hook::PrettyPrinter that auto-prints on

0.1501 2014-12-11T15:39:01Z CET
 - Added dump and hoist commands to

0.1500 2014-12-10T19:06:42Z CET
 - More prereqs.

0.1499 2014-12-10T18:09:34Z CET
 - Missing prereq.

0.1498 2014-12-10T17:23:49Z CET
 - Missing prereq.

0.1497 2014-12-10T15:09:17Z CET
 - Added test prereq

0.1496 2014-12-10T14:24:35Z CET
 - Typo

0.1495 2014-12-10T13:12:02Z CET
 [API Changes]
 - Renamed get_route() in MM::Graph to routing_for().

 - Cleanup, and minor improvements.
 - Added documentation about lines <city>

0.1494 2014-12-10T00:29:59Z CET
 - First public release