Revision history for Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Gothenburg
0.1004 2016-01-23T23:11:02Z UTC
[Line Changes]
- Stations 'Torp' and 'Kålltorp' have both changed name to 'Virginsgatan'.
[Other Changes]
- Rebuilt using current Dist::Iller::Config::Author::CSSON(::MapMetro).
0.1003 2015-01-21T16:27:28Z CET
- Improved synopsis.
- Linked to ::Lines documentation.
0.1002 2015-01-21T14:31:41Z CET
[Bug Fixes]
- Added missing stations on line 13 (Korsvägen->Sahlgrenska)
- Changed to Lines.pod (fixes $VERSION problem).
0.1001 2015-01-20T15:18:08Z CET
- Rebuilt with podweaver.
- Added github info to meta and pod.
- Bumped Map::Metro requirement (to 0.2206).
- Now uses @Author::CSSON dist zilla plugin bundle, expanded.
0.1000 2015-01-03T23:47:09Z CET
- Initial release