Revision history for Net-Twitter

1.0.0 - Wed Mar 07, 2007
        First Release

1.0.1 - Wed Mar 07, 2007
        o Removed dependancy on Module::Build and version
	o Added code from Chris Prather to fall back to pure
	  perl JSON if JSON::Syck is not found.
	o Fixed POD inconsistencies.
	o Added apiurl, apihost and apirealm config options to new

1.02 - 	Thu Mar 08, 2007
	o Fixed Makefile.PL to remove leftover require of version
	o It's "perigrin", not "peregrin"
	o Added PREREQ for JSON. JSON::Syck is highly recommended though.
	o Changed version scheme from three segments to two, I never
	  wanted three digits to begin with, but Module::Build did it
	  without asking.

1.03 - 	Tue Mar 20, 2007
	o added $self->credentials() to allow changing user/pass to attach to
	  without having to create mulitple objects. This is especially 
	  helpful with POE Wheels.
	o Cleaned up documentation.
	o Added note about the twitter account for Net::Twitter itself

1.04 - Fri Mar 23, 2007
	o Changed module dependencies, now requires JSON::Any, instead of a 
          direct requirement of a JSON parsing module.

1.05 - Thu Aug 2, 2007
        o After much delay, Net::Twitter now supports the full Twitter API,
          including replies, direct_messages, and all the rest.

1.06 - Mon Aug 6, 2007
	o Added support for retrieving and updating location information
	o Deprecated all "friend/friends" language to match
          terminology change as of July 19. new terminology is
	  "follow/following". See:
        o Fixed POD errors which were causing the automatic CPANtesters to
          have fits.
1.07 - Sat Feb 16, 2008
	o Added support for the "source" arg to the update item, allowing a
	  script to have its tweets show up as "from SomeWidget" instead of
	  "from web"
	o Because of this, a Net::Twitter source code was requested from Twitter
	  and all tweets will now show up as "from Perl Net::Twitter".
	o Added http_code and http_message to allow the retrieval of the HTTP response
	  after each request.
	o Brought API up to date as of Feb 13.

1.08 - Sun Feb 17, 2008
	o Never release late at night. There is a POD error in 1.07 that prevents
          make test from working. This fixes it.