Revision history for Net-Twitter
1.23 - Wed Jan 07, 2009
o Applied patch from Chris Nelson to trap error responses from LWP which
were causing JSON::Any to die. JSON errors should now just gracefully
return undef.
o Add IRC and github contact info
1.22 - Mon Dec 22, 2008
o Added get_error method for
1.21 - Tue Dec 16, 2008
o Applied patch from Marc Mims to add useragent_class to new()
o Applied patch from Marc Mims to fix bad JSON from twitter in relationship_exists
1.20 - Mon Dec 15, 2008
o Man I'm good. Missed a patch before bundling up the dist.
o Fixes problem with relationship_exists from
o Never release while on cold medication. Somehow I broke POD again for 1.19.
1.19 - Mon Dec 15, 2008
o Fixed bad POD coverage.
o Removed deprecated methods.
o Why are even numbered releases always broken for me?
1.18 - Mon Dec 15, 2008
o Brought up to date with twitter API specification.
o Removed "since_id" from public_timeline
o added "in_reply_to_status_id" to update
o added "since" and "since_id" to replies
o added "since" to friends
o removed the "featured" method.
o removed previously undocumented "lite" parameter from followers
and enabled "page".
o added "follow" argument to create_friend
o removed archive
o update_location method is now deprecated, use update_profile.
o added update_profile, update_profile_colors, update_profile_image and
update_profile_background_image methods
o documentation cleanup
1.17 - Tue Aug 12, 2008
o For some reason OSX is creating bad packages, which work fine on OSX
and fail elsewhere. This one was packaged on Linux and should work.
1.16 - Tue Aug 12, 2008
o For old times sake, I released 1.15 broken. Temp files from textmate
made their way into the dist, which breaks make test. The best part is
it did so in a way that made all my tests pass. Good Times. 1.16 is
functionally equivalent to 1.15, just with the files removed.
1.15 - Mon Aug 11, 2008
o Twitter is now requiring POST for some request and failing GET
requests, for whatever reason. Changed requests to use post for
o Update args to friends_timeline and user_timeline for July 7 API changes
o Add rate_limit_status
1.14 - Wed Jun 11, 2008
o Minor POD corrections. The documentation for user_timeline and
friends_timeline did not correctly indicate that they're limited
to tweets for the past 24 hours.
o Changed POD to address
o This release is solely a cleanup, in anticipation of handing off
maintenance of the module.
1.13 - Tue May 13, 2008
o 1.12 had a POD error that caused make test to fail, which it
didn't do on my box because Ubuntu perl doesn't have
Test::Pod::Coverage. Mea Culpa.
1.12 - Mon May 12, 2008
o Fixed internals so that the useragent is actually sent if
modified in new().
-- Found by Ryo Okamoto
o Brought current with API as of April 29. Added archive(),
update_location(), update_delivery_device(), create_block(),
destroy_block(), test(), and downtime_schedule().
o Fixed boneheaded documentation error in place since 1.06 where the
"friends"/"followers" terminology change listed which was
deprecated backwards.
o Reorganized documentation so that similar methods are grouped
together, and each group is labeled.
1.11 - Wed Apr 23, 2008
o Fixed Missing response_code and response_method on user_timeline
-- Found by Roger Linder.
o Fixed file perms on README and re: bug 35344
1.10 - Wed Apr 16, 2008
o Added "user" and "pass" aliases to new() for less verbose inline use.
1.09 - Sun Mar 16, 2008
o Turns out I'm a moron and like to release stuff with debug code in it.
This release fixes
1.08 - Sun Feb 17, 2008
o Never release late at night. There is a POD error in 1.07 that
prevents make test from working. This fixes it.
1.07 - Sat Feb 16, 2008
o Added support for the "source" arg to the update item, allowing a
script to have its tweets show up as "from SomeWidget" instead of
"from web"
o Because of this, a Net::Twitter source code was requested from Twitter
and all tweets will now show up as "from Perl Net::Twitter".
o Added http_code and http_message to allow the retrieval of the HTTP
response after each request.
o Brought API up to date as of Feb 13.
1.06 - Mon Aug 6, 2007
o Added support for retrieving and updating location information
o Deprecated all "friend/friends" language to match
terminology change as of July 19. new terminology is "follow/following".
o Fixed POD errors which were causing the automatic CPANtesters to
have fits.
1.05 - Thu Aug 2, 2007
o After much delay, Net::Twitter now supports the full Twitter API,
including replies, direct_messages, and all the rest.
1.04 - Fri Mar 23, 2007
o Changed module dependencies, now requires JSON::Any, instead of a
direct requirement of a JSON parsing module.
1.03 - Tue Mar 20, 2007
o added $self->credentials() to allow changing user/pass to attach to
without having to create mulitple objects. This is especially
helpful with POE Wheels.
o Cleaned up documentation.
o Added note about the twitter account for Net::Twitter itself
1.02 - Thu Mar 08, 2007
o Fixed Makefile.PL to remove leftover require of version
o It's "perigrin", not "peregrin"
o Added PREREQ for JSON. JSON::Syck is highly recommended though.
o Changed version scheme from three segments to two, I never
wanted three digits to begin with, but Module::Build did it
without asking.
1.0.1 - Wed Mar 07, 2007
o Removed dependancy on Module::Build and version
o Added code from Chris Prather to fall back to pure
perl JSON if JSON::Syck is not found.
o Fixed POD inconsistencies.
o Added apiurl, apihost and apirealm config options to new
1.0.0 - Wed Mar 07, 2007
o First Release