Revision history for DBD::cubrid
Changes in DBD-cubrid 2011-12-30
After a figorous testing, this release modified many bugs on last version and serveral new featurees have been
added to this version such as functions about the lob object.
- Added cubrid_lob_get: This method can get a column of the lob object from CUBRID database.
- Added cubrid_lob_export: This method will export a lob object as a file.
- Added cubrid_lob_import: This method will import a file in CUBRID database.
- Added cubrid_lob_close: This method will close the lob object that cubrid_lob_get gets.
- Added type_info_all/type_info: APIS-63
- Implemented foreign_key_info: we just gave an interface not implemented it in last version.
- Supported BLOB/CLOB in bind_param
1. APIS-54 - Fixed the bug that Data only be inserted into fixed database
2. APIS-55 - Fixed the bug that connection method isn't correct
3. APIS-60 - Fixed the bug that result of "SELECT 4 + '5.2'" will be round
4. APIS-61 - Fixed the bug that return value of double type isn't correct
5. APIS-62 - Fixed the bug that return values of column_info isn't in proper order
6. APIS-64 - Fixed the bug that return value of DATA_TYPE isn't correct
7. APIS-70 - Fixed the bug that return values of nullable are not correct
8. APIS-71 - Fixed the bug that method of tables() can't return values
9. APIS-73 - Fixed the bug that get_info(18) couldn't return database version
10. APIS-78 - Fixed the bug that error doesn't appear when bound an error type to cubrid_lob_import method
11. APIS-84 - Fixed the bug that table_info didn't report an error when the parameter was wrong
12. APIS-86 - Fixed the bug that get_info can't support passing SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR parameter
13. APIS-86 - Fixed the bug that error will appear when calling cubrid_lob_import method 1019 times
Changes in DBD-cubrid 8.4.0 2011-11-15
First public release of DBD::cubrid module. We provide the basic use to access CUBRID database.
Supported functions:
Driver Handle Methods:
connect - Establishes a database connection
Database Handle Methods:
prepare - Prepares a statement for later execution and returns a reference to a statement handle object.
commit - Commit the transaction.
rollback - Roll back the transaction.
disconnect - Disconnects the database from the database handle.
ping - Check whether the database server is still running and the connection to it is still working.
last_insert_id - Returns a value identifying the row just inserted.
do - Prepare and execute a single statement.
selectrow_array - This utility method combines "prepare", "execute" and "fetchrow_array" into a single call.
selectrow_arrayref - This utility method combines "prepare", "execute" and "fetchrow_array" into a single call.
selectrow_hashref - This utility method combines "prepare", "execute" and "fetchrow_array" into a single call.
selectall_arrayref - This utility method combines "prepare", "execute" and "fetchrow_array" into a single call.
selectall_hashref - This utility method combines "prepare", "execute" and "fetchrow_array" into a single call.
selectcol_arrayref - This utility method combines "prepare", "execute", and fetching one column from all the rows, into a single call.
table_info - Returns a list of hash references holding information about one or more variants of datatype.
tables - Simple interface to table_info(), returns a list of matching table names.
column_info - Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch information about columns in specified tables.
primary_key_info - Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch information about columns that make up the
primary key for a table.
primary_key - Simple interface to the primary_key_info() method. Returns a list of the column names that comprise the
primary key of the specified table. The list is in primary key column sequence order.
foreign_key_info - Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch information about foreign keys in and/or
referencing the specified table(s).
get_info - Returns information about the implementation, i.e. driver and data source capabilities, restrictions etc.
Database Handle Attributes:
AutoCommit - Boolean. The value may true or false.
Statement - String, read-only. Returns the statement string passed to the most recent "prepare" or "do" method called
in this database handle, even if that method failed.
Statement Handle Methods:
bind_param - Bind a param to a placeholder embedded in the prepared statement.
bind_param_array - Bind an array of values to a placeholder embedded in the prepared statement.
execute - Perform whatever processing is necessary to execute the prepared statement.
execute_array - Execute the prepared statement once for each parameter tuple.
fetchrow_arrayref - Fetches the next row of data and returns a reference to an array holding the field values.
fetchrow_array - An alternative to fetchrow_arrayref. Fetches the next row of data and returns it as a list containing
the field values.
fetchrow_hashref - An alternative to fetchrow_arrayref. Fetches the next row of data and returns it as a reference to a hash
containing field name and field value pairs.
fetchall_arrayref - Fetches all the data to be returned from a prepared and executed statement handle.It returns a reference
to an array that contains one reference per row.
fetchall_hashref - Fetches all the data to be returned from a prepared and executed statement handle.It returns a hash
containing a key for each distinct value of the column that was fetched.
Statement Handle Attributes
rows - Returns the number of rows affected by the last row affecting command, or -1 if the number of rows is not
known or not available.
Statement - String, read-only. Returns the statement string passed to the most recent "prepare" or "do" method called
in this database handle, even if that method failed.
NUM_OF_FIELDS - Integer, read-only. Number of fields (columns) in the data the prepared statement may return.
NUM_OF_PARAMS - Integer, read-only. The number of parameters (placeholders) in the prepared statement.
NAME - Array-ref, read-only. Returns a reference to an array of field names for each column.
TYPE - Array-ref, read-only. Returns a reference to an array of integer values for each column. The value indicates
the data type of the corresponding column.
PRECISION - Array-ref, read-only. Returns a reference to an array of integer values for each column.
SCALE - Array-ref, read-only. Returns a reference to an array of integer values for each column.
NULLABLE - Array-ref, read-only. Returns a reference to an array indicating the possibility of each column returning a null.