0.09 2013-06-08 21:06:05 PDT
use Perl 5.8, not 5.6 / remove my name from contributers
0.08 2013-06-01 10:57:54 PDT
Update external links and remove version from POD
0.07 2013-05-28 07:30:36 PDT
Rename module as POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Vim::Tips
0.06 2013-04-25
Forgot to bump version in POD
0.05 2013-02-07
Ack, I left a backup folder that Dist::Zilla found
0.04 2013-02-07
Convert to Dist::Zilla
Remove debug content
0.03 2013-02-02
Switch from HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath to Mojo::JSON
0.02 2013-01-13
Don't forget to list dependencies in Makefile.PL
0.01 2013-28-01
First version