Revision history for WWW-KrispyKreme-Hotlight

1.1  2015-11-27 12:23:24 PST
        - Require Perl 5.10
        - Require Mojolicious 6.0

1.0  2015-11-24 22:49:02 PST
        - Support new API

0.06  2014-07-14 09:19:01 PDT
        - switch to a faster, all-Mojo class

0.05  2014-07-03 10:22:57 PDT
        - require Test::RequiresInternet on test
        - switch to MIT license

0.04  2013-06-15 10:11:39 PDT
        - add test: donuts.t

0.03  2013-06-11 10:41:02 PDT
        - replace mojo prereq versions as '0' to avoid cpanm version errors

0.02  2013-05-28 08:54:05 PDT
        - Rename as WWW::Krispy::Kreme::HotLight
        - Replace Moose with Mojo::Base

0.01  2013-05-17 13:23:59 PDT
        - Initial release