package SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence; # $Id:,v 1.9 2001/08/22 10:51:45 lachoy Exp $ use strict; use SPOPS qw( _w DEBUG ); @SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence::ISA = (); $SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence::VERSION = '1.8'; $SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence::Revision = substr(q$Revision: 1.9 $, 10); # Default SELECT statement to use to retrieve the sequence -- you can # override this in your config or in the parameters passed to # 'retrieve_sequence()' use constant SEQUENCE_CALL => q/SELECT NEXTVAL( '%s' )/; # Retrieve the sequence value sub pre_fetch_id { return retrieve_sequence( @_ ) } # Perform the actual work -- this is in a separate method so that # other classes can use this one without having to put it in an 'isa' sub retrieve_sequence { my ( $item, $p ) = @_; $p ||= {}; my $sequence_name = $p->{sequence_name} || $item->CONFIG->{sequence_name}; unless ( $sequence_name ) { my $class_name = ( ref $item ) ? ref $item : $item; _w( 0, "Cannot retrieve sequence without a sequence name! No sequence", "name found in parameter or in object configuration. (Object: $class_name)" ); return undef; } $p->{db} ||= $item->global_db_handle(); return undef unless ( ref $p->{db} ); DEBUG() && _w( 2, "Trying to get value from sequence ($sequence_name)" ); my $sequence_call = $p->{sequence_call} || $item->CONFIG->{sequence_call} || SEQUENCE_CALL; my $sql = sprintf( $sequence_call, $sequence_name ); DEBUG() && _w( 2, "SQL used to retrieve sequence:\n$sql" ); my ( $sth ); eval { $sth = $p->{db}->prepare( $sql ); $sth->execute; }; die "Cannot retrieve value from sequence $sequence_name : $@" if ( $@ ); my ( $id ) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return $id; } # Ensure only pre_fetch_id is called sub post_fetch_id { return undef } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence -- Retrieve sequence values from a supported DBI database =head1 SYNOPSIS # In the SPOPS configuration (note that 'sequence_call' is optional # and if not given the default will be used) $spops = { 'myspops' => { 'isa' => [ qw/ SPOPS::Key::DBI::Sequence SPOPS::DBI / ], 'sequence_name' => 'mysequence', 'sequence_call' => 'SELECT %s.nextval', ... }, }; # Note: Other classes (such as 'SPOPS::DBI::Pg' use this class # without requiring you to specify it). =head1 DESCRIPTION This class makes a call to a 'sequence' to retrieve a value for use as a unique ID. Sequence implementations vary among databases, but generally they ensure that the sequence always generates a unique number no matter how many times it is accesed and by how many different connections. To configure your SPOPS object to get its ID values from a sequence you can set the following configuration information either in your object or in the parameters passed to C<retrieve_sequence()>: B<sequence_name> ($) (required) This holds the name of the sequence. Databases can typically have many sequences but only one per table. B<sequence_call> ($) (optional) This class comes with the default sequence call of: SELECT NEXTVAL( '$sequence_name' ) If you need to change this for your database, it should be in a form accessible by L<sprintf> so we can plugin the sequence name. For instance: sequence_name => 'myseq', sequence_call => ' SELECT %s.nextval', Will get expanded to: SELECT myseq.nextval when the call is made to retrieve a sequence. =head1 METHODS B<pre_fetch_id()> Calls C<retrieve_sequence()> to get the sequence value and returns it. B<retrieve_sequence( )> Performs the action to retrieve the sequence. Uses the sequence call and sequence name to make a SQL call to retrieve the next value from a sequence. This should be database-independent, and the parts that are not independent (such as the format of the sequence call) are configurable in either the object configuration or in the call to this method. (Method parameters take precedence.) =head1 BUGS None known. =head1 TO DO Nothing known. =head1 SEE ALSO L<DBI>, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases, both of which have sequences. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001, inc.. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHORS Chris Winters <> =cut