Revision history for Getargs-Mixed

1.05_1	2019-04-09
		Testing with 5.006 - no code changes other than the `use 5.006` line

1.05	2019-04-04
		Non-trial release of the code from 1.04_2

1.04_2	2019-03-28
		Better checking for invalid specifications; additional tests.

1.04_1	2019-02-23
		Better handling of specifications that include multiple semicolons
		(which is unsupported).

1.04	2019-02-11
		Added OO interface (new()) and -undef_ok option.

1.03	2003-09-04
		Bugfixes and additional tests.

1.02	2003-09-03
		Semicolon can come at the beginning of an argument name.

1.01	2003-09-03
		Initial version, released on an unsuspecting world.