Revision history for Perl extension Sub-Multi-Tiny
0.000005 2019-09-06T02:03:22Z
- Changes to cpanfile, xt to try to fix cpantesters failures (#5)
0.000004 2019-09-05T02:14:14Z
- Support recursion to the dispatcher (#4)
- Add documentation
- Relax the minimum Perl version to 5.006
0.000003 2019-09-04T14:21:27Z
- Updated documentation
- Added tests
- Removed undeclared dependency (#1)
0.000002 2019-09-03T01:00:33Z
- Actually pass parameter values to the correct candidate!
0.000001 2019-09-01T01:26:34Z
- Initial release to CPAN. Only supports dispatch by arity.