Revision history for Perl extension Sub-Multi-Tiny

0.000012 2019-09-24T01:52:46Z

    - Internal improvements for robustness.  
    - S::M::T::Util::_complete_dispatcher now adds strict and warnings
      to the top of the generated dispatcher.

0.000011 2019-09-20T21:41:16Z

    - Fix POD typo (thanks to MANWAR)

0.000010 2019-09-20T02:36:46Z (TRIAL RELEASE)

    - Add tests
    - Refactor out common test code
    - In D:Default, die loudly on type or where checks, rather
      than ignoring them silently.
    - Update documentation

0.000009 2019-09-14T02:28:08Z (TRIAL RELEASE)

    - Fix Dispatcher::TypeParams to run on older Perls (#8)

0.000008 2019-09-13T22:16:40Z (TRIAL RELEASE)

    - Fix t/ to run on older Perls

0.000007 2019-09-12T01:13:30Z (TRIAL RELEASE)

    - The SUB_MULTI_TINY_VERBOSE environment value can have a numeric value
    - New dependency on Scalar::Util
    - Added voluminous test output on earlier Perls in hopes of tracking
        down cpantesters failures.
    - Use t/ consistently in test files
    - Verbose test output while covering, so the lines that provide that
        output are covered!

0.000006 2019-09-11T00:46:14Z

    - Added a Type::Params-based dispatcher
    - Added pluggable dispatcher loader
    - Fixed cpantesters failures on mswin32 and 5.8.6/5.8.7

0.000005 2019-09-06T02:03:22Z

    - Changes to cpanfile, xt to try to fix cpantesters failures (#5)

0.000004 2019-09-05T02:14:14Z

    - Support recursion to the dispatcher (#4)
    - Add documentation
    - Relax the minimum Perl version to 5.006

0.000003 2019-09-04T14:21:27Z

    - Updated documentation
    - Added tests
    - Removed undeclared dependency (#1)

0.000002 2019-09-03T01:00:33Z

    - Actually pass parameter values to the correct candidate!

0.000001 2019-09-01T01:26:34Z

    - Initial release to CPAN.  Only supports dispatch by arity.

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