Revision history for CatalystX-InjectModule

0.14 2018-08-21
     - build local config file (myapp_local.yml)

0.13 2018-07-09
     - use Catalyst config (and local config) before modules config
0.12 2016-07-09
     - pass mi to uninstall to pass some tests
     - use travis
     - update dependencies end pod

0.11 2016-05-21
     - update dependencies to pass some tests and use travis

0.10 2016-01-19
     - save the installation information in files
     - debug attribut
     - load module and use install method if exist
     - add role CatalystX-InjectModule-Fixtures
     - fix a bug on the uniqueness of the returned modules

0.09 2015-12-04
     - use Catalyst::Utils::inject_component
     - use Catalyst::Utils::merge_hash to merge modules config
     - add template paths to all view

0.08 2015-11-12
     - use Template and Static modules
     - update pod

0.07 2015-09-27
     - add tests
     - load only ^config.yml$
     - add pod in french
     - use Setup module

0.06 2015-09-20
     - change the module name
     - simplifie and replace some methods
     - add @INC in search modules path ( path: __INC__ )
     - merge module's config.yml with catalyst config

0.05 2015-09-20
      - test access to /login when CatalystX::SimpleLogin is injected
      - loading modules in finaluze_config
      - die if module is not found

0.04  2015-09-09
      - inject catalyst plugins

0.03  2015-09-09
      - inject components in application

0.02  2015-09-09
      - dependencies are resolved by the Dependency::Resolver Module
      - Add lib module to INC
      - add debug

0.01  2015-08-11
      - initiale release