Revision history for perl application aep (Advanced Entry Point)

0.010     2025-02-13 21:54:36 GMT
  - Preparing for first release
  - Corrected POD error
0.009     2023-06-02 23:25:46 BST
  - Added abstract
0.008     2019-12-08 01:25:15 GMT
  - Added base POE in, updated cpanfile
  - Updated several documentation aspects
  - Added all defaults in
0.007     2019-12-07 23:36:46 GMT
  - Greatly increased documentation to show how the config will be handled
  - Added exit on INT to signal handler
0.006     2019-12-07 19:09:57 GMT
  - Added in BUGS section to documentation with link to source on github
0.005     2019-12-07 18:52:21 GMT
  - Added a capture for INT
0.004     2019-12-07 18:47:49 GMT
  - Updated some documentation and dist::zilla config
0.003     2019-12-07 18:40:20 GMT
  - Tidied up a little
0.002     2019-12-07 18:29:10 GMT
  - Adding in signal captures
  - Updated bin/aep to initilize signal capture
0.001     2019-12-07 16:46:00+00:00 Europe/London
  - Added in a small test creating a binary called aep
  - Initial module creation