# # This file is part of CPAN-Testers-Report # # This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden. # # This is free software, licensed under: # # The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 # use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; package CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig; BEGIN { $CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig::VERSION = '1.999001'; } # ABSTRACT: Perl build and configuration information for a CPAN Testers report use Carp (); use Metabase::Fact::Hash 0.016; our @ISA = qw/Metabase::Fact::Hash/; sub required_keys { return qw/build config/ } # XXX replace this with whatever Tux says is useful -- dagolden, 2009-03-30 sub content_metadata { my ($self) = @_; my $content = $self->content; return { osname => $content->{config}{osname}, archname => $content->{config}{archname}, version => $content->{config}{version}, } } sub content_metadata_types { return { osname => '//str', archname => '//str', version => '//str', } } 1; =pod =head1 NAME CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig - Perl build and configuration information for a CPAN Testers report =head1 VERSION version 1.999001 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Config::Perl::V; my $info = Config::Perl::V::myconfig(); my $content; @{$content}{build,config} = @{$info}{build,config}; my $fact = CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig->new( resource => 'cpan:///distfile/RJBS/CPAN-Metabase-Fact-0.001.tar.gz', content => $content, ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Summarize perl build and config from a CPAN testers run =for Pod::Coverage required_keys =head1 USAGE See L<Metabase::Fact>. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature using the CPAN Request Tracker. Bugs can be submitted through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=CPAN-Testers-Report> When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 AUTHOR David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut __END__