Revision history for Perl module Exception::Class::TryCatch
1.03 Sat Apr 23 09:03:00 EDT 2005
- catch rethrows if optional list of class types isn't matched
- added support for both one- and two-arguments forms of catch
1.02 Wed Mar 9 06:47:58 EST 2005
- added pod and pod coverage tests
1.01 Mon Jan 24 22:51:43 EST 2005
- changed "try" to return whatever eval returns
- try in list context dereferences an array_ref allowing eval to
be called in list context by wrapping in an anonymous array
- updated build configuration
1.00 Wed Dec 8 16:28:37 EST 2004
- renamed to Exception::Class::TryCatch (on advice of Dave Rolsky)
- minor pod edits
0.10 Thu Sep 9 10:20:51 EDT 2004
- initial public release as Exception::Class::Sugar
0.01 Fri Sep 3 00:09:17 2004
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::TT