use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; package Log::Any::Adapter::Util; # ABSTRACT: Common utility functions for Log::Any our $VERSION = '0.91'; # TRIAL use Data::Dumper; use base qw(Exporter); my %LOG_LEVELS; BEGIN { %LOG_LEVELS = ( EMERGENCY => 0, ALERT => 1, CRITICAL => 2, ERROR => 3, WARNING => 4, NOTICE => 5, INFO => 6, DEBUG => 7, TRACE => 8, ); } use constant %LOG_LEVELS; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( cmp_deeply detection_aliases detection_methods dump_one_line log_level_aliases logging_aliases logging_and_detection_methods logging_methods make_method read_file require_dynamic :levels ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ':levels' => [ keys %LOG_LEVELS ] ); my ( %LOG_LEVEL_ALIASES, @logging_methods, @logging_aliases, @detection_methods, @detection_aliases, @logging_and_detection_methods ); BEGIN { %LOG_LEVEL_ALIASES = ( inform => 'info', warn => 'warning', err => 'error', crit => 'critical', fatal => 'critical' ); @logging_methods = qw(trace debug info notice warning error critical alert emergency); @logging_aliases = keys(%LOG_LEVEL_ALIASES); @detection_methods = map { "is_$_" } @logging_methods; @detection_aliases = map { "is_$_" } @logging_aliases; @logging_and_detection_methods = ( @logging_methods, @detection_methods ); } #pod =func log_level_aliases #pod #pod Returns key/value pairs mapping aliases to "official" names. E.g. "err" maps #pod to "error". #pod #pod =cut sub log_level_aliases { %LOG_LEVEL_ALIASES } #pod =func logging_methods #pod #pod Returns a list of all logging method. E.g. "trace", "info", etc. #pod #pod =cut sub logging_methods { @logging_methods } #pod =func logging_aliases #pod #pod Returns a list of logging alias names. These are the keys from #pod L</log_level_aliases>. #pod #pod =cut sub logging_aliases { @logging_aliases } #pod =func detection_methods #pod #pod Returns a list of detection methods. E.g. "is_trace", "is_info", etc. #pod #pod =cut sub detection_methods { @detection_methods } #pod =func detection_aliases #pod #pod Returns a list of detection aliases. E.g. "is_err", "is_fatal", etc. #pod #pod =cut sub detection_aliases { @detection_aliases } #pod =func logging_and_detection_methods #pod #pod Returns a list of logging and detection methods (but not aliases). #pod #pod =cut sub logging_and_detection_methods { @logging_and_detection_methods } #pod =func cmp_deeply #pod #pod Used for testing; compares one-line L<Data::Dumper> dumps for two references. #pod Also takes a test label as a third argument. #pod #pod =cut sub cmp_deeply { my ( $ref1, $ref2, $name ) = @_; my $tb = Test::Builder->new(); $tb->is_eq( dump_one_line($ref1), dump_one_line($ref2), $name ); } #pod =func dump_one_line #pod #pod Given a reference, returns a one-line L<Data::Dumper> dump with keys sorted. #pod #pod =cut sub dump_one_line { my ($value) = @_; return Data::Dumper->new( [$value] )->Indent(0)->Sortkeys(1)->Quotekeys(0) ->Terse(1)->Dump(); } #pod =func make_method #pod #pod Given a method name, a code reference and a package name, installs the code #pod reference as a method in the package. #pod #pod =cut sub make_method { my ( $method, $code, $pkg ) = @_; $pkg ||= caller(); no strict 'refs'; *{ $pkg . "::$method" } = $code; } #pod =func read_file #pod #pod Slurp a file. Does *not* apply any layers. #pod #pod =cut sub read_file { my ($file) = @_; local $/ = undef; open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or die "cannot open '$file': $!"; my $contents = <$fh>; return $contents; } #pod =func require_dynamic #pod #pod Given a class name, attempts to load it via require. Throws an error #pod on failure. #pod #pod =cut sub require_dynamic { my ($class) = @_; unless ( defined( eval "require $class" ) ) { ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval) die $@; } } #pod =func numeric_level #pod #pod Given a level name (or alias), returns the numeric value described above under #pod log level constants. E.g. "err" would return 3. #pod #pod =cut sub numeric_level { my ($level) = @_; my $canonical = exists $LOG_LEVEL_ALIASES{$level} ? $LOG_LEVEL_ALIASES{$level} : $level; return $LOG_LEVELS{ uc($canonical) }; } 1; # vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et tw=75: __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Log::Any::Adapter::Util - Common utility functions for Log::Any =head1 VERSION version 0.91 =head1 DESCRIPTION This module has utility functions to help develop L<Log::Any::Adapter> subclasses or L<Log::Any::Proxy> formatters/filters. It also has some functions used in internal testing. =head1 USAGE Nothing is exported by default. =head2 Log level constants If the C<:levels> tag is included in the import list, the following numeric constants will be imported: EMERGENCY => 0 ALERT => 1 CRITICAL => 2 ERROR => 3 WARNING => 4 NOTICE => 5 INFO => 6 DEBUG => 7 TRACE => 8 =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 log_level_aliases Returns key/value pairs mapping aliases to "official" names. E.g. "err" maps to "error". =head2 logging_methods Returns a list of all logging method. E.g. "trace", "info", etc. =head2 logging_aliases Returns a list of logging alias names. These are the keys from L</log_level_aliases>. =head2 detection_methods Returns a list of detection methods. E.g. "is_trace", "is_info", etc. =head2 detection_aliases Returns a list of detection aliases. E.g. "is_err", "is_fatal", etc. =head2 logging_and_detection_methods Returns a list of logging and detection methods (but not aliases). =head2 cmp_deeply Used for testing; compares one-line L<Data::Dumper> dumps for two references. Also takes a test label as a third argument. =head2 dump_one_line Given a reference, returns a one-line L<Data::Dumper> dump with keys sorted. =head2 make_method Given a method name, a code reference and a package name, installs the code reference as a method in the package. =head2 read_file Slurp a file. Does *not* apply any layers. =head2 require_dynamic Given a class name, attempts to load it via require. Throws an error on failure. =head2 numeric_level Given a level name (or alias), returns the numeric value described above under log level constants. E.g. "err" would return 3. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Jonathan Swartz <> =item * David Golden <> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Jonathan Swartz and David Golden. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut