use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; package Meerkat::Role::Document; # ABSTRACT: Enhances a Moose object with Meerkat methods and metadata our $VERSION = '0.005'; # VERSION use Moose::Role 2; use MooseX::AttributeShortcuts; use MooseX::Storage; use MooseX::Storage::Engine; use Carp qw/croak/; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/; use Syntax::Keyword::Junction qw/any none/; use MongoDB::OID; use Type::Params qw/compile/; use Types::Standard qw/slurpy :types/; use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/; # XXX crude but fast use namespace::autoclean; with Storage; # pass through OID's without modification as MongoDB will # consume/provide them; pass through Meerkat::Collection # as Meerkat will strip/add as necessary for my $type (qw/MongoDB::OID Meerkat::Collection DateTime DateTime::Tiny/) { MooseX::Storage::Engine->add_custom_type_handler( $type => ( expand => sub { shift }, collapse => sub { shift }, ) ); } has _collection => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Meerkat::Collection', required => 1, ); has _id => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'MongoDB::OID', default => sub { MongoDB::OID->new }, ); has _removed => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', reader => 'is_removed', writer => '_set_removed', default => 0, ); sub update { state $check = compile( Object, HashRef ); my ( $self, $update ) = $check->(@_); croak "The update method only accepts MongoDB update operators" if grep { /^[^\$]/ } keys %$update; return if $self->is_removed; # NOP return $self->_collection->update( $self, $update ); } sub update_set { state $check = compile( Object, Defined, Defined ); my ( $self, $field, $value ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef scalar object ARRAY HASH/) ); my $type = $self->__field_type( $self->_deep_field($field) ); my $target_type = $self->__field_type($value); croak "Can't use update_set to change $type field '$field' to $target_type" if $type eq none(qw/undef object/) && $type ne $target_type; return $self->update( { '$set' => { "$field" => $value } } ); } sub update_inc { state $check = compile( Object, Defined, Defined ); my ( $self, $field, $value ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef scalar/) ); my $current = $self->$field; croak "Can't use update_inc on non-numeric field '$field'" if defined $current && !looks_like_number($current); return $self->update( { '$inc' => { "$field" => $value } } ); } sub update_push { state $check = compile( Object, Defined, slurpy ArrayRef ); my ( $self, $field, $list ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef ARRAY/) ); return $self->update( { '$push' => { "$field" => { '$each' => $list } } } ); } sub update_add { state $check = compile( Object, Defined, slurpy ArrayRef ); my ( $self, $field, $list ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef ARRAY/) ); return $self->update( { '$addToSet' => { "$field" => { '$each' => $list } } } ); } sub update_pop { state $check = compile( Object, Defined ); my ( $self, $field ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef ARRAY/) ); return $self->update( { '$pop' => { "$field" => 1 } } ); } sub update_shift { state $check = compile( Object, Defined ); my ( $self, $field ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef ARRAY/) ); return $self->update( { '$pop' => { "$field" => -1 } } ); } sub update_remove { state $check = compile( Object, Defined, slurpy ArrayRef ); my ( $self, $field, $list ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef ARRAY/) ); return $self->update( { '$pullAll' => { "$field" => $list } } ); } sub update_clear { state $check = compile( Object, Defined ); my ( $self, $field ) = $check->(@_); $self->__check_op( $field, any(qw/undef scalar object ARRAY HASH/) ); return $self->update( { '$unset' => { "$field" => undef } } ); } sub sync { state $check = compile(Object); my ($self) = $check->(@_); return $self->_collection->sync($self); } sub remove { state $check = compile(Object); my ($self) = $check->(@_); return 1 if $self->is_removed; # NOP return $self->_collection->remove($self); } sub reinsert { state $check = compile( Object, slurpy Dict [ force => Optional [Bool] ] ); my ( $self, $options ) = $check->(@_); return if !$self->is_removed and !$options->{force}; # NOP return $self->_collection->reinsert($self); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # semi private methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _indexes { return } sub _deep_field { my ( $self, $field ) = @_; my ( $head, @tail ) = split /\./, $field; my $target = eval { $self->$head }; croak "Invalid attribute '$head'" if $@; return unless defined $target; while ( defined( my $p = shift @tail ) ) { my $ref = ref $target; if ( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) { croak "Invalid subdocument '$head.$p': '$head' is an array but $p is not positive integer" unless $p =~ /^\d+$/; return if $p > $#{$target}; # doesn't exist yet $target = $target->[$p]; } elsif ( $ref eq 'HASH' ) { return unless exists $target->{$p}; $target = $target->{$p}; } else { croak "Invalid subdocument '$head.$p': '$head' is not a reference"; } $head .= ".$p"; } return $target; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # really private methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub __check_op { my ( $self, $field, $allowed ) = @_; # $allowed could be a junction my $type = $self->__field_type( $self->_deep_field($field) ); unless ( $type eq $allowed ) { my ( undef, undef, undef, $sub ) = caller(1); $sub =~ s/.*::(\w+)$/$1/; croak "Can't use $sub on $type field '$field'"; } } sub __field_type { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; return 'undef' unless defined $value; return 'object' if blessed($value); return ref($value) || 'scalar'; } 1; # vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Meerkat::Role::Document - Enhances a Moose object with Meerkat methods and metadata =head1 VERSION version 0.005 =head1 SYNOPSIS Your model class: package My::Model::Person; use Moose; with 'Meerkat::Role::Document'; has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1, ); has likes => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => 0, ); has tags => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] }, ); 1; In your code: use Meerkat; my $meerkat = Meerkat->new( model_namespace => "My::Model", database_name => "test" ); my $person = $meerkat->collection("Person"); # My::Model::Person # create a document my $obj = $person->create( name => "Larry" ); # change document in the database and update object $obj->update_set( name => "Moe" ); $obj->update_inc( likes => 1 ); $obj->update_push( tags => qw/cool hot trendy/ ); # get any other updates from the database $obj->sync; # delete it $obj->remove; =head1 DESCRIPTION This role enhances a Moose class with attributes and methods needed to operate in tandem with a L<Meerkat::Collection>. The resulting object is a projection of the document state in the database. Update methods change the state atomically in the database and synchronize the object with the new state in the database (potentially including other changes from other sources). =head2 Consuming the role When you apply this role to your Moose class, it provides and manages the C<_id> attribute for you. This attribute is meant to be public, but keeps the leading underscore for consistency with L<MongoDB> classes. The attributes you define should be read-only. Modifying attributes directly in the object will not be reflected in the database and will be lost the next time you synchronize. Objects are serialized with L<MooseX::Storage>. Any attributes that should not be serialized must have the C<DoNotSerialize> trait: has 'expensive' => ( traits => [ 'DoNotSerialize' ], is => 'lazy', isa => 'HeavyObject', ); Attributes with embedded objects are not well supported. See the L<Meerkat::Cookbook> for more. =head2 Working with objects Create objects from an associated Meerkat::Collection, not with C<new>. my $obj = $person->create( %attributes ); That will construct the object, instantiate all lazy attributes (except those marked C<DoNoSerialize>) and store the new document into the database. Then, use the various update methods to modify state if you need to. Use C<sync> to refresh the object with any remote changes from the database. =head1 METHODS =head2 new B<Don't call this directly!> Create objects through the L<Meerkat::Collection> or they won't be added to the database. my $obj = $person->create( name => "Joe" ); =head2 update $obj->update( { '$set' => { 'name' => "Moe" } } ); Executes a MongoDB update command on the associated document and updates the object's attributes. You must only use MongoDB L<update operators|> to modify the document's fields. Returns true if the updates are applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed; subsequent C<update>, C<sync> or C<remove> calls will do nothing and return false. This command is intended for custom updates with unusual logic or operators. Many typical updates can be accomplished with the C<update_*> methods described below. For all update methods, you can use a MongoDB nested field label to modify values deep into a data structure. For example C<parents.father> refers to C<< $obj->parents->{father} >>. =head2 update_set $obj->update_set( name => "Luke Skywalker" ); Sets a field to a value. This is the MongoDB C<$set> operator. The field must be undefined or else the existing value and the new value must be of similar types (e.g. scalar or array or hash). For the purpose of this check, an object (e.g. a DateTime) is treated (opaquely) as a scalar value. If the types do not match, an error will be thrown. Note this means that you can't set a defined value to undefined. To remove a field entirely, see L</update_clear>. If you need to make other structural changes, do it manually with the L</update> method. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_inc $obj->update_inc( likes => 1 ); $obj->update_inc( likes => -1 ); Increments a field by a positive or negative value. This is the MongoDB C<$inc> operator. The field must be undefined or a numeric scalar value or an error will be thrown. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_push $obj->update_push( tags => qw/cool hot trendy/ ); Pushes values onto an array reference field. This is the MongoDB C<$push> operator. The field must be undefined or an array reference or an error is thrown. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_add $obj->update_add( tags => qw/cool hot trendy/ ); Pushes values onto an array reference field, but only if they do not already exist in the array. This is the MongoDB C<$addToSet> operator. The field must be undefined or an array reference or an error is thrown. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_pop $obj->update_pop( 'tags' ); Removes a value from the end of the array. This is the MongoDB C<$pop> operator with a direction of "1". The field must be undefined or an array reference or an error is thrown. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_shift $obj->update_shift( 'tags' ); Removes a value from the front of the array. This is the MongoDB C<$pop> operator with a direction of "-1". The field must be undefined or an array reference or an error is thrown. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_remove $obj->update_remove( tags => qw/cool hot/ ); Removes a list of values from the array. This is the MongoDB C<$pullAll> operator. The field must be undefined or an array reference or an error is thrown. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. =head2 update_clear $obj->update_clear( 'tags' ); Removes a field from a document. This is the MongoDB C<$unset> operator. Returns true if the update is applied and synchronized. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed. Be sure not to clear any required fields. =head2 sync $obj->sync; Updates object attributes from the database. Returns true if synced. If the document has been removed, the method returns false and the object is marked as removed; subsequent C<update>, C<sync> or C<remove> calls will do nothing and return false. =head2 remove $obj->remove; Removes the associated document from the database. The object is marked as removed; subsequent C<update>, C<sync> or C<remove> calls will do nothing and return false. =head2 is_removed if ( $obj->is_removed ) { ... } Returns true or false indicating whether the associated document was removed from the database. =head2 reinsert $obj->reinsert; $obj->reinsert( force => 1 ); Reinserts a removed document. If the C<force> option is true, then it will be reinserted even if the document has not been removed, overwriting any existing document in the database. Returns false if the document is not removed (unless the force option is true). Returns true if the document has been reinserted. =head2 _indexes $class->_indexes; Returns an empty list. If you want to define indexes for use with the L<ensure_indexes|Meerkat::Collection/ensure_indexes> method of L<Meerkat::Collection>, create your own C<_indexes> method that returns a list of array references. The array references can have an optional initial hash reference of indexing options, followed by ordered key & value pairs in the usual MongoDB way. You must provide index fields in an array reference because Perl hashes are not ordered and a compound index requires an order. For example: sub _indexes { return ( [ { unique => 1 }, name => 1 ], [ name => 1, zip_code => 1 ] [ likes => -1 ], [ location => '2dsphere' ], ); } See the L<Meerkat::Cookbook> for more information. =head2 _deep_field my $value = $obj->_deep_field( "parents.father" ); # hash key my $value = $obj->_deep_field( "tags.0" ); # array index Retrieves a field deep in the object's data structure using MongoDB's dot notation. Returns undef if the field does not exist. Throws an error if the dot notation would do an illegal dereference. This is far less efficient than accessing an attribute and dereferencing directly. It is used internally for validation of update_* field arguments. =for Pod::Coverage BUILD =head1 AUTHOR David Golden <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by David Golden. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut