Revision history for Meerkat

0.009     2014-02-16 00:43:06-05:00 America/New_York


    - Retry failures should now properly throw errors

0.008     2014-01-24 23:24:08-05:00 America/New_York


    - Fixed for changes in MooseX::Role::MongoDB 0.006

0.007     2013-11-22 17:07:03 America/New_York


    - MongoDB operations will retry with exponential backoff if Meerkat
      detects that the database connection has been lost

0.006     2013-10-16 11:47:06 America/New_York


    - Added MooseX::Role::Logger as required by new MooseX::Role::MongoDB

0.005     2013-10-14 15:12:25 America/New_York


    - Bump MooseX::Role::MongoDB prerequisite to 0.002

    - Move some test prereqs to develop prereqs

0.004     2013-09-24 19:51:46 America/New_York


    - Fixes crash searching for non-existent documents

0.003     2013-09-21 23:29:17 America/New_York


    - Extracted MongoDB object management to MooseX::Role::MongoDB

0.002     2013-09-20 13:02:36 America/New_York


    - The required 'namespace' parameter was renamed 'model_namespace'
      for consistency with the new 'collection_namespace' parameter.


    - Allows specifying a 'collection_namespace' to use custom collection
      classes that extend Meerkat::Collection


    - Replaced Class::Load with Module::Runtime; now also using
      Module::Runtime for composing namespaces and class suffixes

0.001     2013-09-19 19:40:32 America/New_York

    - First release