Revision history for Metabase
1.001 2012-05-18 15:34:47 America/New_York
- Fixed bug where default CHI wasn't initialized properly
1.000 2012-05-16 13:23:04 America/New_York
- The 1.000 release reflects a major reorganization of the Metabase
distribution and is not backwards compatible.
- The Archive and Index roles have an expanded API with additional
required methods
- A Query role has been added to abstract query requirements from the
indexer to allow for backend-specific query implementations
- Tests have been converted to Test::Routine style roles, which are
released with the distribution for use in backend tests in other
- AWS and SQLite backends have been removed and will be released as
separate distributions.
- Solr backend has been removed.
0.016 2010-12-07 15:27:49 EST5EDT
- No changes. Released as stable
0.015 2010-09-28 09:41:27 EST5EDT
- Add explicit dependency on SQL::Translator 0.11006 for DBIx::Class
deploy() used in Metabase::Archive::SQLite
0.014 2010-09-20 22:22:45 EST5EDT
- Now uses SimpleDB::Client instead of SimpleDB::Class
- Updated dist.ini to @DAGOLDEN style
- Prerequisites now auto-detected
0.013 2010-09-01 18:29:24 EST5EDT
- Improve diagnostics on failure
- Fix occasional failures in t/librarian/report.t due to time
comparison between original and saved reports
- Add iterator generators to librarian (only supported on S3 so far)
- Load fact classes on demand
- Require latest Metabase::Fact (0.018)
0.012 2010-04-24 15:18:33 EST5EDT
- Fix authentication cache bug (first check was always failing)
0.011 2010-04-23 23:38:58 EST5EDT
- Fix cache attribute type constraint
- Cache authentication strings, not objects
0.010 2010-04-23 17:40:39 EST5EDT
- Add authentication caching. Adds CHI as a prereq
- Properly document Metabase::Gateway as a Moose::Role
0.009 2010-04-22 07:26:46 EST5EDT
- Don't add undefined values to the index
0.008 2010-04-20 09:54:07 EST5EDT
- Fact content metadata keys no longer have to be lowercase
0.007 2010-04-11 12:00:49 EST5EDT
- Fix a bug in Metabase::Archive::S3 -- NOTE: THIS WILL BREAK
0.006 2010-03-29 14:29:25 EST5EDT
- JSON will now always encode/decode to/from ASCII
- Converted to Dist::Zilla for easier release management
- Remove dependency on JSON::XS and rely on JSON to use it
if installed (see Task::Metabase)
- Ensure JSON encoding includes utf8 encoding to avoid
errors compressing wide characters in Metabase::Archive::S3
0.004 Mon Mar 15 22:30:34 EDT 2010
- Fixed -limit operator for SimpleDB search
- Reduced numerous prerequisites to lower verisons
0.003 Mon Mar 8 23:42:52 EST 2010
- heavily revised for CPAN Testers 2.0 effort
- Metabase::Gateway is now a Moose::Role
- Added Amazon Web Service backends
0.002 (never released)
- private development version, never released to CPAN
0.001 24 Jun 2009
- original skeleton created at Oslo QA hackathon 2008